Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@grtd2010 how do u view a particular person’s post on a thread? What office was @upstream regferring to !

No successful PLME post yet !!!

D rejected for PLME waitlisted for Brown UG…oh well

@diaash Click on @upstream and then you click on Replies on that page

@diaash If you are set on medicine go with RPI/AMC unless you have full tuition or full ride scholarship at your other choices. Cornell is supposed to be hard for premeds.

@diaash Cornell is a known grade deflator school in UG. Then one student from DD’s batch went to Cornell (ED) and two to JHU (ED/RD). No merit-based financial aid at Cornell or JHU.

If you are keen on medicine, my suggestion would be RPI/AMC.
RPI is a very good school and you will get a good undergrad education.
AMC is an established medical school and all my physician friends have only good things to say about AMC.

Thoughts on Duke vs SLU Medscholar? Were pretty much set on SLU after speaking to their alums, current students and staff, until today :wink:


Came across this quote from Adam Grant - Organizational Psychologist at Wharton:

Your success as a parent is not determined by whether your kids get into elite schools or prestigious professions.

The real test of parenting is not what children achieve, but who they become—and how they treat others.



Someone was in similar situation last year UPenn vs RPI/AMC. Went with RPI/AMC.
You may want to check her contact in the results thread and connect?
Find out if she still thinks that was the right choice?

By the way Barnard is the one with this linkage program with Columbia?
If you have decent financial awards there or at Tufts, both are good options too.
Agree with others on Cornell.

Please send a DM to @upstream and @gallentjill.

@gallentjill ‘s D is choosing Union/AMC.


and some lucky ones even guaranteed admission next year if they are willing to take GAP year for UG, yes UG not med school, had that experience with Case Western last year.

I had summarized your stats last year - reproducing it here:

Thank you for your post.
Summarizing your data points—-

Out of 30 examples listed for traditional route-
16 had to take 1-2 years gap

7 dropped out
8 had to do DO
3 got into top 25 school
9 got into mid-tier school
1 low tier school
2 Caribbean med schools

So, 75% did become MD/DO but over half had to take 1-2 gap years.
25% dropping out - one reason people cited for traditional route is that kids change their minds.
Your data confirms that.
The gap year story is what I have heard a lot - that itself makes a strong case for BSMD Route.

@NoviceDad , These are kids from ivyies?


Check if Duke falls under the grade deflation radar first.

@grtd2010 , not able to see replies when I click on the name

@diaash My 2 cents, if you are keen on MD, then it is RPI/AMC.

@diaash My D has chosen Union/AMC. She’ll be starting next fall. For her it was a very easy decision. She is set on becoming a doctor and that trumps everything. Also, she toured and liked Union for undergrad. She was also interested in RPI but we could only choose one and Union was a better fit.

I had some small doubts but I researched and educated myself and eventually fully agreed that she was making the right choice. In my opinion, for someone who is truly set on medicine and wants to practice (not become a researcher or academic) BSMD is an excellent option. If my D had been on the fence at all, we would not have chosen this route. Id be happy to answer any questions I can if you DM me.

@diaash Click on @upstream (with @) and Click the Replies are on the left hand column on the new page. After that you will see a list of all posts replied by OP. Select any and click to read. You can click on @diaash right here to see yours.

@diaash or do advance search, , type user name in Author field and any key word ( in Title.
Or fastest way