Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Since the topic came up anyway, one of D’s seniors in high school by 3 or 4 years, with stellar records (don’t think she was valedictorian though) went to Princeton with an intent to go to a top med school later. As I gather, she dropped the med school plan (any for that matter) for now.

Another girl from same year as my D’s but who went to a magnet high school for healthcare joined Princeton with the same intent. But upfront she was fine that if she can’t make it she will be fine in choosing law or something as an alternate career. Haven’t had a chance to follow up how she is doing. These kind of things are delicate to probe about.

I am not going to go over my personal acquaintances who went to other Ivies and how they fared later in medicine (I think I did in the past in last year thread I guess)

Is Ivy Day today?

Yes. 7 PM EST.
Just over an hour remaining

I remember 2 years back opening different tabs to check for Ivies and keep hitting refresh :-). He was 1 A ,3WL, 0R and in the end didn’t matter :smile:

@srk2017 and others,

Don’t want to sound discouraging, but WL in any Ivy = R for all practical purposes.
D had several of her class mates who applied restrictive early action to Princeton. All of them were WL and none of them got in eventually. You can check common data set of each of them to see the chances of WL candidates. Usually close to 0.

Let me correct above statement regarding D’s friends.

Restrictive Early Action (can apply to only 1 but not binding) → Deferred to Regular Action → WL → No further activity

@upstream Thank you for the fabulous post. You have really explained why my D wanted BSMD so badly. I’m curious about the sophie davis student who ended up in a carribean med school. Isn’t that a combined program? How did that student end up in the Carribean?

Also, since you referred to it in your post, are you considering “mid-tier” med school basically the same level as the BSMD schools or are you referring to something else?

Ivy Leagues out today at 6.00pm CST

PLME is out; DS got rejected. HPME it is I think.

@rk2017 - Yes, for all practical purposed Ivy WL=R. each one usually take around 50 kids during WL but maintains the diversity. quotas How many ORMs will decline top Ivies? :smiley: in 2017, Harvard took zero from WL. I was happy about it since S was thinking of taking Harvard over Vandy but I didn’t felt it was worth it :smile:

@bsmdbamd HPME → PLME

Can you please let me know how many candidates were called for HPME interview and for how many seats ? TIA

Is waitlist offer binding or student can accept multiple wait list offers?

@2019NewB - Nothing binding for UG except ED. Some schools (like Duke or Case Western) ask candidates if they want to be on WL or not.

@upstream are u college consultant? When u said ur office , what is that ? That was very helpful post

@gallentjill where is ur DS/DD enrolled in?

@ diaash Please look at @upstream previous year posts. You will find the answer- No

Can the experts give their opinion on rpi/amc program ?

@diaash Please list all your options with details for experts to provide any meaningful answer. If you are keen on BSMD, take any offer you have in hand vs two or more in the bush( traditional route).

@diaash He is a physician and his DS is in rpi/amc program.

Rpi/amc vs tufts/Cornell/Barnard