Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@OldSchoolMD Thank you !!!

@bsmdbamd thank you!

 I am literally shaking!!! Was soo shocked to get into PLME!!! So blessed to have all these wonderful options. To those that are waiting, I will likely be declining all other offers for PLME!!!

@HPMEhopeful Congratulations. Interesting you choose HPME as handle name but now ditching HPME though you got admitted there also.

Every year we see 1 or 2 silent folks appear in April with outstanding success in BS/MD sweepstakes. PLEASE post your stats and perspective and why you are going with PLME

Looks like you are not ready to wait for the acceptance from UPitt and may be R/B.

DS rejected for PLME, waitlisted for Brown UG
oh well

Couple of folks pm’d me on why we are opting for slu (almost guaranteed bsmd) over traditional higher ranked premed ug’s.

A picture is better than a thousand words - take UCSD medical school acceptances as a representative sample of a highly regarded medical school and look at the profile.

It’s next to impossible for orms to be accepted at top 20 medschool a. Also keep in mind that it’s especially harder for Asian Indians that many here are I believe. Of the 13 mentioned here, 10 were band. So they took 3. And given a male female ratio, they accepted 1 Indiana male!!! Similar top schools have similar profiles.

Sorry typos corrected:

Of the 13 mentioned here, 10 were bsmd. So they took 3 students regular route. And given their male/female ratio, they accepted 1 Indian male!!!

@diaash - my wife went to RPI/AMC ~23-28 years ago when it was a 6-year program. I went to RPI undergrad around same time, but not BS-MD. I think it’s a very good program. Wife had 20 year reunion from AMC a couple of years ago and many of her BSMD classmates all did pretty well (urologist, ophthalmologist x 2, GI, Critical Care Intensivist, FP). I think the key as someone brought up previously is whether we could differentiate between BSMD Med students vs traditional route med students. I think the key to success (at least ~20 years ago) for RPI-AMC students is that they had real, legitimate basic research experience under their belt which made them very competitive for desirable residencies. Being informed just recently that majority of med students matriculating to med school have take Gap years (presumably doing research to beef up their med school application), this advantage may be mitigated. However, in my opinion, I still think the Physician-Scientist Program at RPI-AMC offere a distinct advantage in applying for residency and that needs to be differentiated from the average AMC graduate when looking at rankings and % primary care residency match list.

Anyway, just my two cents

Need guidance on deciding- Drexel BSMD vs Brooklyn SUNY downstate BAMD for NY resident. Any suggestions? (Let’s keep cost outside the equation for the time being)

What is the attrition rate for Drexel?

Anyone who can share the experience for Brooklyn SUNY Downstate BAMD program here? Or pm me, please?

Congratulations everyone for acceptances to PLME and HPME here.

I would recommend HPME anyday over PLME. But then it is one’s own choice.

Congrats again @HPMEhopeful for PLME!

Those feeling blues over Ivy rejections here, don’t. Ivies are overrated. Also if your main intention is becoming a physician why do you care so much?

More and more people are realizing this overrating factor and getting disenchanted with that brand. Following the trends in my D’s distinguished HS, the batch before her had 5 acceptances to Princeton, but 3 actually enrolled (think 1 went to MIT and another somewhere else). D’s batch 3 accepted, even though more applied on heels of earlier year’s bumper, and all 3 enrolled. Not sure how they are doing gpa wise. D’s junior year, both valedictorian and salutatorian went to BS/BA/MD programs. They both didn’t get into Princeton. Not sure if anyone else among the rest even got an acceptance at that school.

If you follow last few years’ results you will see folks turning down acceptances at top (3) Ivies to take up direct med programs. So no need of feeling missing out on anything. Celebrate what you got.

Congratulations on both HPME and PLME.


As you make your decisions, please share your experiences on the results thread:

This will benefit the next year’s batch.

@rk2017 - Some like the prestige of Ivies :smile: May be they get to network with rich and powerful and use those connections and become healthcare executives or buy hospitals or start healthcare related tech companies (3 kids I know have similar plans). I agree if your mission is to become a doctor and go into private practice Ivies won’t make much difference.

I guess it comes down to what you (or kids) see around. BSMD is not popular at our school, in fact not that many goes to medicine. They all wants to rule Silicon Valley or Wall Street :smiley: in last 8 years only one went to BSMD from our school (happens to be BU) and he decided not to do medicine and doing Ph.D at Berkeley. All others who wanted to do medicine took traditional (couple of them declined BSMD) and all succeeded with top med school admissions.


No wonder not too many kids from your Son’s HS got interviews or selected to the BS/MD programs (something I heard you constantly mentioning/complaining on this forum) ?. Yes these programs are cognizant of students from which states and which areas have higher propensity to enroll in their programs and are likely to extend interviews and acceptances based on that. I don’t blame them for that.

They also keep tab on how students from certain states and school districts are faring in their programs over time and that goes back as feedback to future decisions.

What is the BS/MD attrition rate for Drexel?

@rk2017 - Hardly anyone from our HS apply. For last 10 years our school is national champion/contender in multiple science competitions (mostly ORMs) and they all aim for Ivies and no stories of someone failing big.

4 years before my DS one kid declined RPI/AMC and before that one kid changed his mind at BU, but my DS got both :slight_smile:

Hi! My BFF applied to Nova and Drexel BS/MD or Bs/DO.

Does anyone know when decisions come out?