Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@themedgirl1, Did you receive any interviews notifications? I thought it’s too early for interviews. From last year thread, looks like few folks received RPI interviews in Nov.

The BS/MD program of UC is called Connections (DAAPS is a different program in UC). It is not binding, requires MCAT, 4+4 years and accepts 20-50% of OOS. Not sure how many students per year they take in this program. UC is a good medical school and solid in Pediatrics. For more details see this link.

NO they don’t grant extensions for UMKC.


While researching for D’s admissions cycle (2017), read somewhere that in the year or two prior, out of the 8 students either admitted or enrolled in the Cincinnati program, 7 were in state. So we crossed it out from our consideration. Don’t know if the figures got any better subsequently.

@rk2017 Thanks for the info. Agree, it is just 1 or 2 OOS at the max only. It is good for IS students.

@Dreamingteen3221 how did you get the TCNJ supplements?? I didn’t receive anything yet, was it by email?

@RedMan108 no not yet I was just wondering haha

@grtd2010 @rk2017
Your Step1 score is totally dependent on how you handled first year of Med School.
If you score above 195 (passing score), you cannot give it again. Only if you fail do you get a second or third attempt.
Scores in the range of 225+ gets you a shot at family or internal medicine.

@rk2017 @GoldenRock
UCinn has <= 2 seats for OOS.

I am a current student in the Siena Albany Medical program. If anyone has any questions about the various Albany Medical Programs, the Siena program, or even applying to bs/md programs feel free to ask!

Hello Just received an alumni interview with Brown. Any suggestions on what to expect? Also, do they send it to everyone that applied to PLME?

@redman108 Alumni interview step is a general process step many top university have (and it is not unique or special to BS/MD program). For example Vandy or Rice also alumni for UG admission.
Brown it is unique since Brown does not have an interview step for BS/MD program (when pretty much every BS/MD program has one). It does not mean that Brown alumni interview has significant weight.

Be yourself and ready to answer any questions related to what you have done (activities) and what you have expressed (essays and prompts) and why Brown etc., Many times in person but some alumni does not want to meet even if you offered and will take it over phone.

@NoviceDad I mentioned a Step 1 score > 245 for top residencies like dermatology, interventional radiology, radiation oncology etc. Internal Medicine/Family Medicine are not very competitive. MCAT score and USLME Step 1 score are correlated according to published studies.

Hello, I hope you all are doing well. I have applied to BS/MD programs this cycle ranging from Rowan and Virginia Commonwealth to Brown’s PLME. Please chance me:
-NJ resident

  • Race/ethnicity : Afghani
    -Gender: Male
    -Gpa: 3.6-3.7 unweighted, 4.42 weighted
  • Top 20% of class at a very rigorous public school
  • Huge upward trend in grades since freshman year
    -APs: Chem, Bio, Stat, Calc AB, Literature, Psychology, US history
  • Sat: 1420/1600
  • EMT-B with over 1500 hours of hands on patient care. Responded to traumas, mvas, seizures, strokes, MIs, suicide attempts, and rape victims. (All detailed in my essays)
  • Lung transplant patient (also explained in essays on how it motivates me to become a physician
  • 2 CPR saves and a Trauma Save
  • Stop The Bleed Instructor
  • Captain of the First Aid Squads cadet division (admin work and training other members)
  • Project Manager at a small company, working there for 3 years
  • Shift manager at dominos, working there since 8th grade
  • Set up clinicak research for this upcoming summer at CHOP with a pulmonary fellow
  • Very strong commitment towards becoming a physician and an immense passion for medicine.

Did you apply ED @RedMan108

@RedMan108 Alumni interviews are routine for admission to Ivies and do not hold much influence on the final outcome. Recently, the complete Harvard admission process has been disclosed in news. You can google for official materials from Harvard.

@ZacharyGelfond You are part of ORM (Over Represented Minority). It is very competitive among ORMs. Your stats are good but most successful ORMs have excellent stats.

Thanks, @GoldenRock and @grtd2010 . They say that the input is added to the admission file. Perhaps, with no real influence. It is in-person.

It’s RD @ZacharyGelfond

@RedMan108 I applied RD and haven’t heard back for an Alumni interview yet. @grtd2010 Im looking for admission into any BS/MD program, Im not gunning for top tiers as much. Do you think based on my unique experiences and story as well as adequate stats I could gain admission to atleast one?