Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@2019NewB , congratulations on you daughter! Where were the other BSMD that she was accepted? I know that she felt that being closer to home was a strong factor. Can you please elaborate on your other schools and what other factors contributed to her final decision? We also have GPPA as a contender.

Please suggest (Instate Michigan) need to decide between

  1. University of Mich LSA premed instate regents scholarship one time small amount
  2. Michigan state OMSP direct BS/DO -Half instate tuition and some research scholarship
  3. WASHU premed no scholarship
  4. Rice premed no scholarship
  5. Case Western premed 20 K tuition)


I would strike out Michigan State OMSP direct BS/DO unless you are truly set on being a DO physician. If you would rather go MD, it sounds like (based on the UGs you’ve gotten into), you have a good chance at getting into MD schools via traditional route if you do decide to take traditional route.

When considering traditional route, keep in mind grade deflation and fierce competition among pre meds at the UG
 I have heard that Case Western has become a fierce battleground for pre meds in the recent years, but take my advice with a grain of salt because I am by no means the most educated/experienced member on this forum :smiley:

Thank you. The others are Hofstra, Union and Umkc. She wanted to be in BSMD and staying closer to home. Being in a non binding program is an added benefit that came along. Didn’t really care for all the other criteria as it is too early to know and decide what will happen after 3/4 years.

@anthonydavis23 - Good disclosure :smiley: some say experience is overrated :wink:


How is UFM LSA Honors ? Again from UFM LSA every year around 76 students go Wayne state Medical school and many to Oakland do you know how many make to Michigan Medical and other Top 20 schools.


I wouldn’t recommend WashU with or without scholarship because of grading and competition. Not quite sure about Case Western considering @anthonydavis23 's feedback. So far I have been thinking it is a good place for premed, but I personally don’t know anyone studying there, so you need to dig in more.

In last year’s cycle I heard rave reviews about Rice UG. As a matter of fact someone who joined Sophie Davis against his strong wish to attend Rice, later was complaining that he wished he hadn’t made that mistake of not going to Rice. But I personally wouldn’t recommend Rice without at least some scholarship and end up spending a fortune for undergrad itself.

So that leaves you with the 2 Michigans. Both seem to be fine. But if you feel comfortable with your academic preparation so far and confident that you can take on the competition of other high achieving honors college students in premed track, then go for it. If you want to play safe and still want to explore MD option later you can go with Michigan State since as I understand you are not locked into the program in anyway. You also have the safety net of going to DO there with instate tuition which is not bad at all.

Rice and WASHU I applied for BS MD programs but did not get interviews but got Premed admissions and I am not sure it is worth the cost going there

you will never go wrong with UIC-GPPA I know multiple kids form my S high school who went there and have done excellent and landed in very reputed residencies.
Same we have multiple BS/MD acceptances, Ivy and multiple full rides.

We will be going for the Ignite this Saturday April 6th to UIC-GPPA admitted student day.

@mi2019 I will pick UMich LSA, instate tuition is much cheaper to my knowledge.
Also most important UMich will provide great research opportunities that may help for medical school admission.

Thanks @anthonydavis @rk2017 @PPofEngrDr

I think UM LSA makes sense unless someone has any other suggestions

I only applied for three bs md programs and could not make interview but got in undergrad premed but I think it is not worth going there wish had applied to more

Thank you my daughter is planning to attend as well


Here is all I have heard/gathered about Case Western (but take with grain of salt):

A few years back, it was a fantastic place for pre meds with lots of resources and advising. Lately, however, many pre meds have been flocking to Case Western, creating a hyper-intensive environment and thereby making very tough competition for pre meds. A person has described the environment at Case to be “toxic.”

Take this with however much salt you will, but again, this is all hearsay. If you happen to thrive in intense environments (e.g. they push you to do better), then Case is a viable option. However, it is ultimately your decision, as you know yourself best.

Congratulations to all the recent acceptances. Heard that a student got rejection from Pitt gap dont know how far this is true but did any of the fellow cc students get any rejection email from Pitt gap?

@whitecane on interview day we were told to will know results of UPitt by April 15th


can relate with my son last year 4 bs/md, 1 post interview rejection and bunch of UG/Eng to choose from.

well you can’t look back at this point and make a best use of available options and keep that lesson in mind when you apply to med school, cast a wider net. As part of Dr journey challenges what yo regret now is relatively nothing.

@sajju786 Yes that is what we’re informed on the interview day too.I believe rejections/acceptances will be mailed at the same time.


Yes now I understand applying to top BS MD programs not only is competitive and the selection criteria is weird and risky will keep in mind for future

@collegeboundxyz DD got into Drexel BSMD two years ago along with two other classmates from her HS. Two of her classmates are doing fine at Drexel BSMD. MCAT has not been taken yet. Do not know about attrition rate of the program. It is an expensive option.