Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

You mentioned you also have UM-HPM. That is also a direct medical program. I feel it’s a better guarantee than drexel.

Drexel is fairly clear that they don’t guarantee it. They recently changed the program so make sure you read everything in detail.

Thanks @motivat @mk1901 @deepleswar @NoviceDad

Got email today from Rutgers/NJMS of acceptance with Presidential Scholarship ( full instate tuition, room and board covered for 3 yrs UG at Rutgers)…

Congrats, @sajju786 !!!

@collegeboundxyz, @bsmdadmit

Regarding the wording in Drexel’s offer, they don’t mean it is not guaranteed per se, but if students meet all their requirements, they will matriculate to the med school. No further interviews and such. They just changed the wording so people won’t sue them later.

One concern though, they have somewhat of a higher requirement for MCAT and to top it, a minimum score in each sub section. Generally people seem to be not having issues with the overall score but with the minimum in each section. I think they allow 3 attempts though to satisfy both the requirements. You may want to find out from them what is the attrition due to this requirement.

UM-HPM is not guaranteed program, it is just like any traditional premed program with a fancy name.

@sajju786 Congrats! any scholarship for medical school? Also, how easy to qualify for in-state in NJ?

@rk2017 it is not for us to say what is considered secured environment, as every family sees security different way, For 6’4", 180 lb guy vs 5’2", 110 lb gal, security can be meant completely different. I also won’t pay attention to isolated incidence but to suggest taking Uber increases security, its an unproven solution. Any family should treat security in 2 steps, proactive and post-active. As a proactive you can take all typical security measures, also find out crime rate on campus and surrounding and that is a very good indicator for a safe vs unsafe school. You can’t count 1 incidence school in same bucket as 10 incidences school, there are crime statistics and comparison available for most of school.
As post-active become what if scenario and what can be done to protect yourself that every family should discuss before kids start college.

@sajju - congrats on Rutgers/NJMS of acceptance and scholarship $!

Thanks @anthonydavis23 , @srk2017 no scholarship for medical school it UG free with R+Board included.
Thanks @OldSchoolMD

Congratulations, which BSMD program is your top choice, are you guys still considering UIC GPPA?

@2019NewB…thanks, yes lot of med school acceptance will decide in the next 1-2 weeks…

@bsmdadmit UM - HPM is not a guaranteed program. It is a mentoring program. I attended HPM session. They were clear that this is no way guaranteed. From the students who are already in the program, I am hearing that they are highly selective about 10% of top HPM students may be invited to apply UM medical school and rest are on their own.

@rk2017 - You are right " Once students meet all their requirements, they will matriculate to the med school. No interviews".

It is hard to get the information on attrition. We have asked during the information session and they told most of them go into medical school. Very general answer. A counselor from medical school tracks the course registrations, and helps BS/MD with research and volunteering etc… I think the students have to meet once a month starting sophomore year with this counselor.

@rk2017 @collegeboundxyz
Thanks for the clarification, it appears I had the wrong impression.


No issues, you perhaps got carried away by the resemblance with NU’s HPME :smile: Don’t know if UM folks named so deliberately? :wink:


Hope someone here will be able to get you in touch with someone in the program and you can get further insights.
Have you tried the results threads of the past few years and Private messaging anyone who chose to go to Drexel’s program?

In the absence of any further info and since you are saying it is is the only bird in hand, it may be worth taking a chance with it and go ahead and enroll. I don’t think gpa maintenance at Drexel is going to be a big issue for your D. So some extra effort on MCAT should help her clear it hopefully in 1 or 2 attempts. Find out if they impose any other requirements like research, shadowing, ECs as mandatory requirements for this program.
Worst case scenario, assuming it doesn’t work out and they are willing to give credits for most AP courses, you are probably looking at what, 3 years of cost of attendance at 50k per year after the scholarship amount? Not terrible I would say. She can then take a gap year and pursue the regular route.

Does anyone know where we can find information about UIC GPPA attrition rates?

Good luck in your decision. I know it is hard with many options.
We had 4 BSMD acceptances and UG at 2 Ivy’s plus full ride UG at multiple colleges. My D wanted to stay in a BSMD program closest to home, so that trumped all other criteria, which made it easier for her to decide.

@2019NewB sorry if you mentioned already, what did you end up going with?


@2019NewB perfect choice.

Thank you @PPofEngrDr

@2019NewB congrats, does anybody here have experience with the Georgetown Early Assurance Program, haven’t found too much on how many students they admit each year