Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Another thing you may factor in, since they made the program 8 years from the erstwhile 7 year, are they letting students in the program do co-ops like they encourage students in all other majors to go for. If they do, you can probably justify the extra year and also save some tuition for at least a semester and also get some additional income. You may want to find out in their open house.

@gallentjill I have the link for data. Which schools you would like to know ? I posted for NJ and PA ( not all). You have to do math to determine IS and OOS matriculant rate( based on matriculants data only).

@gallentjill AAMC publishes all kinds of data. This thread is becoming ‘Pre-med’ section more than BS/MD!
It is a fact all Public schools will have state mandated rules to admit x number of IS students. Even private for different reasons, will have more IS. But still it is a different ball game, when you reach a stage to decide which and how many schools you are going to apply in the regular route. Let us discuss in 3 or 4 years.

@goldenrock I’m confused about the table you linked. It seems to show number of applicants and number of matriculants but not number of acceptances. Am I reading it wrong?

@gallentjill There is data only for those who matriculated. So you have to use that as proxy for acceptance rate. Medical Schools may accept a multiple of those who matriculated based on their yield. The ratio of IS vs OOS will probably be fine with matriculants only data.

@grtd2010 Thanks. That explains it.

@gallentjill I don’t think you will a comprehensive data for acceptances. The rule of thumb is 2 to 3 times of the number of seats.

The same rat race in BS/MD will get magnified in MD admission. The same star students get accepted everywhere but s/he can study at 1 place only. If you see which school to choose x or y in SDN, you will see at least 2 to 5 schools good % of students get. That is why the it drags to know the status all the way till July 31th. By the time some students even would have started their second cycle in June and they get a surprise acceptance from wait list of the first cycle.

@MT9799, @GoldenRock @rk2017 Thank you for your advice!

Since your DD wants to be physician, I suggest you seriously consider Drexel BS/MD.
Drexel has a 6-month co-op program which can be done in research.
Drexel requires an MCAT of 511 and minimum of 128 in each section. This is where one has to be aware - getting 128 in each section - becomes very crucial. (I believe this is higher than say Temple which has 126 in each section.)

It is a guaranteed program - we had asked this question last year during our interviews.
As you as long you meet the requirements, you have a seat at med school - was what we were told.

Re: college security.

Students have to be aware of their surroundings at ALL colleges.
There are incidents reported at practically all college campuses.
Having said that, certain neighborhoods are more “shady” than others and one has to factor that in one’s analysis.

I know of many kids NOT selecting a program (including BS/MD) because they were not comfortable with the environment.

@collegeboundxyz and others
Don’t worry too much about attrition rates.

My theory is: If they were abnormal or high, the word would have spread by now.
Go with the fact that there is attrition and may sure you work hard and meet the requirements.
Be aware of the weeder classes like orgo and biochem and work extra hard on those.

Congratulations to you and your DD.

Please share your experience in the results thread:

@gallentjill Here is data for NY medical schools

Medical School Applicants Instate Out of state Seats % Matriculant-IS % Matriculant-OS IS Acceptance OS Acceptance Ratio IS/OS

Zucker Hofstra Northwell 5,342 31.2 68.8 99 58.6 41.4 3.48% 1.12% 3.12
Einstein 7,052 22 78 183 41.5 58.5 4.90% 1.95% 2.52
Columbia-Vagelos 7,483 15.4 84.6 138 31.2 68.8 3.74% 1.50% 2.49
Rochester 5,324 24.4 75.6 103 37.9 62.1 3.01% 1.59% 1.89
New York University 6,056 19.3 80.7 101 30.7 69.3 2.65% 1.43% 1.85
Mount Sinai-Icahn 6,156 21.5 78.5 140 33.6 66.4 3.55% 1.92% 1.85
Stony Brook 4,816 45.7 54.3 136 60.3 39.7 3.73% 2.06% 1.80
Albany 9,889 18.9 81.1 140 29.3 70.7 2.19% 1.23% 1.78
Cornell-Weill 5,992 18.9 81.1 106 28.3 71.7 2.65% 1.56% 1.69
SUNY Downstate 5,390 44.6 55.4 203 80.3 19.7 6.78% 1.34% 5.06
SUNY Upstate 4,299 49.9 50.1 169 82.2 17.8 6.48% 1.40% 4.64

I agree with @anthonydavis23 on the BS/DO comment.

If finances are not an issue, I would suggest go for RICE UG.
They have good pre-med support and enough research opportunities for you to build your resume.
I believe they had indicated about 200 students each year opt for medical school.

Other:Campus is also very good and their dorms are good.

Is anybody visiting VCU this weekend or sometime this month for acceptance day? My son is trying to decide between VCU BSMD and Union/Albany. Any advice is highly appreciated.

Hello everyone! Thank you for all the informative contributions to the forum!
My D wants to chat with BU smeds to understand the student point of view. Their facebook group is awfully quiet.
I see rk2017’s child is a current student and understand parents inputs.

Is there any other social media SMEDs use actively to interact among students?
She would be attending the open house this Friday.
Are there any other new SMEDs parents here?

My son got accepted to Union LIM program…Could existing students or alumni share their experiences? Where they are in their career and what difficulties they faced during this program? Would you recommend others to join this program?

@HELP2018 @rk2017 My friends S also debating hard on VCU UG. VCU med school takes 12 after 2nd year from 16 interviews. Per AAMC web site, seems like 209 VCU students apply for traditional MD program vs 401 from UVA. So it is no less competition.


If student gets into VCU honors, they are treated special in several things - separate dorm building, room with bathroom, selection of classes, research, etc etc. Also honors classes are challenging than normal classes and should keep students very busy.

Question is going to a place where you are a normal Joe vs a place you are treated special.

@HELP2018 are you considering W&M also? They have agreements with VCU and EVMS (after 2nd year guaranteed admission).

@vj1000 Congrats on Union/LIM. My daughter will be attending there. @Undecided3494 is a current LIM student who sometimes posts here. You might want to send him a message.

Thank you @NoviceDad @grtd2010 @rk2017 for your guidance. It gives extra confidence in our decision.
Appreciate all your advice and support on this board. I am sure many of us over here are benefited by your experience and advice.