Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

With the better rotations in the medical college , research opportunities have a good chance of getting into good residency matching. Both are good in NJMS.

@ven2020 Good points.
If you are planning to apply out (UConn or any other school), remember you need to really focus on EC, at least from second semester (after giving time to settle down in the first semester). For EC, if the access to facilities are not close up, then it is a huge minus, if student does not have a car or not yet ready for prime time driving.

Flexibility and opportunities for IS fees for MD school or merit aid etc worth pondering.

Donā€™t delve way too much on residency match or about primary care %.

@ven2020 UConn lets you choose any major as well. UConn also allows you to apply out with support, in-state tuition after a few years, and they have an excellent reputation (a high proportion of their medical students do Yale residencies, right next door). OOS cost is a lot for med school but itā€™s reduced for New England and further reduced if you apply for residency and become IS. I spent time at Hofstra and Rutgers/NJMS and neither is unsafe unless you disregard your own safety.

@uravgperson @rk2017
Yes, I do NOT include Ob/Gyn in primary care.

If Drexel is costing $100K more, it is probably not worth the extra dollars both from reputation and residency match perspective. Though as @rk2017 indicated, there is merit in the Coop program of Drexel.
I would lean towards NJMS.
Re: safety: Every campus has incidences. If you are cautious and in groups, things are safe.


Re: Applying out while doing BS/MD:
I am not a big fan of this thought process.
While the optionality/flexibility DOES have value (in some case a lot of value), the reason one does BS/MD is that your are securing your medical school seat now.
If you join a BS/MD program with the intention of applying out, you may want to

  • evaluate the relative merits of the undergrad school and options to build your application
  • under the process does the university follow if you want to apply out - do they treat you like regular undergrads or you need to follow a special process? does that impact your LORs/ committee letters?

And go with the assumption, that you will NOT exercise the option of applying out. Are you comfortable with that?

My 2 cent. All US accredited Medical Schools by LCME are equally good. The residency is dependent on how well you perform in Medical School ( class room performance, clerkships, USMLE1 score, Research, LORs) not on brand name of school. Residency is far away ahead 6-7 yrs into future so stop worrying about residency list/matches now. Top students in any accredited program can get into any top residencies if they work on it. Do not depend on experts on public forums. Do your own due diligence and do what is best for you. Most physicians are busy working with patients, not offering advise as experts on public forums.

Do not depend on experts on public forums


So you donā€™t want people to follow your routine 2 cents, including the one above?? :smiley: :wink:

Folks, I donā€™t consider myself an expert but as someone who has lots of awareness and can think deeply. So feel free to follow my takes if you like to, whether or not you want to follow the above quoted advice.


lol they may have Ivy and BS/MD students as patients. :smiley: :smiley:


finally Sheldon acknowledges facts. :smiley: :blush:

@bs2md2019 - see my previous post #5718 for my thoughts on the strengths of RPI-AMC - importance of research and should differentiate ideally between traditional med student compared to BSMD med student when looking at match lists (if one is using this).

Does anyone have any advice/info about the Rice/Baylor interview? I was lucky enough to be invited as a finalist, but I canā€™t find any information about the actual format of the interview and what theyā€™re looking for online.

I have been a lurker on this thread for a while and I would like to congratulate everyone on their achievements and help in getting through this grueling process. To those who have gotten into multiple bs or ba md programs, please remember to deny your other programs sooner rather than later. As an alternate, my shots are now slim for a ba md program that was my dream to get into and I would appreciate others to not wait until May to make a decision if it is already clear where they want to go.


  1. Best bet call Rice or Baylor and ask them if it is traditional or MMI. Either way prepare well for the interview. Be yourself.
  2. There are 1 or 2 folks in the last 3 years who got R/B. Let me include them in this email (since you can not directly ping them). But let us see if they respond or not. Mostly they are no longer active in CC.

@ilylily112 @dadofd Hope both of you are enjoying Rice experience.
Hope one of you could share some details on R/B interview for @rana102

lol they may have Ivy and BS/MD students as patients. :smiley: :smiley:


That is a ridiculous and uncalled for insulting comment towards a respected member here. He did not claim that the students were all his patients, but their parents, relatives, acquaintances were. I am not a physician myself and a particularly social person, but myself am aware of a more than a dozen Ivy and BS/MD students either through their parents, family friends, acquaintances and directly too. Not surprising a physician who is practicing in a densely populated area can come across dozens of such young folks who accompany their parents or relatives for the visits or one way or the other. Let sense prevail on all of us and not hurl insulting statements at one another rather than helping the young folks here gain some clarity.

Few facts learned on admittance day on NJIT/NJMS

NJIT ranks 15 out of 4000+ colleges on campus safety based on FBI crime report dataā€¦
There is no minimum requirement on MCAT. Students are expected to score decent in examā€¦ talked to many existing students. As per them, nobody has ever got rejected by NJMS due to MCAT scoreā€¦
campus is very clean and honors dorm is new and looks more like a hotel
There is shuttle to penn station, NJMS, Rutgers Newark, downtown throughout the dayā€¦
It seems that it is easy to get research right from first yearā€¦


What exactly you are referring here, please elaborate before I can answer your assessment.


Thanks for sharing, exactly I imagined it to be and even much better ā€¦ You must be also delighted to see the latest match results of NJMS.


Isnā€™t it obvious, where is the confusion? Unless you have a very strong reason to go with UMKC or VCU ā€¦

Hey everyone. Im currently trying to decide between BU SMED and VCU GMED. BU UG adds to about 250k while VCU adds to about 80k. Both med schools cost the same at about 380k total. Could really use some advice in making this difficult decision. Thanks!

@rk2017, I was talking to NJMS studentsā€¦ they were proud that students are matched to top residenciesā€¦