Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

I assumed @GoldenRock meant UConn, not UCinn, perhaps he meant the latter.

My bad, did not notice it was Cincy and not UConn. I responded to @bsmd456 clarification.
I am not keeping track of which college has what MCAT. How to interpret the statement I responded.

Sorry for the confusion.

It is interesting UConn as 516 minimum. It is keep going up. Some schools they put on or above previous years average, which also slowly creeps up.

Hi! Anyone get into UCinn Connections and NOT planning to accept? My daughter is an “alternate” and wondering if there is any hope. If she does get in, her spot might open up at PSU/Sydney Kimmel…

UConn MCAT requirement is 80th percentile ~509

Rpi/amc vs Brooklyn college Downstate
Need ur opinion if money is not in the equation.

@diash - RPI/AMC. strong undergraduate program. strong basic science opportunities. research is required as part of the program (Physician Scientist Program). gives the BSMD students in the program a leg up as they apply to residency having strong research experience/work on their resume/application. my wife was in the program so we are very familiar with it. so if cost is not factored in, i would support RPI/AMC.

@diaash Have you toured both campuses? Brooklyn is very much still a commuter school with a lot of non-traditional and part time students as well as regular students. They have one dorm which is privately owned and not run by the school. We toured the dorm and it seemed very run down and not that pleasant. Students we spoke to said that most kids who are not commuters rent rooms and apartments in the area. RPI will give a more traditional undergrad experience.

Thank you for your comments. We have been carefully weighing all my sons options, and he feels that OU MHSP will be his choice. We live in Illinois and he did received a scholarship, but not a full ride. We have had the opportunity to talk with a couple UG students and they all really like OU and tell us that maintaining the GPA is certainly doable if you put forth the effort. ( would like to hear your D’s experience with GPA) And also we r curious about the classes you have to take to have the minor in Medical Humanities. How much work is involved etc.

How well prepared did she feel for the MCAT ( from the classes … I’m sure she studied independently as well)
Congratulations to her ( and you !)

@cmjmama My D got accepted and is not planning to attend. So don’t loose hope :slight_smile:

Thank u @OldSchoolMD and @gallentjill

@"@Margo55" Presume you are addressing the questions to me.
GPA - She did not have any problem at all. She barely missed 1 point in Biochem and got B.
MCAT - She did not take any paid classes. She studied 2 months (during the semester) and did 5 practice tests during spring break and took the exam and did very well.
MHSP Minor - There is not too many additional efforts per se. Some of the Honors courses, GenEd courses and may be 1 or 2 courses will take care. Example: Medicine & Literature, Food & Culture or Psychoactive substances

BTW: If you want someone’s attention, use @handlename. For example @GoldenRock

Howard University’s notifications for their BS/MD Program’s interview date came out. Did anyone else hear from them and if anyone is familiar with their program or interview process, please share your insight. I would greatly appreciate it!

Yes, he has accepted the offer at OU


Need some input. I got into Drexel 4+4 BS/MD early assurance program. Along with Honors school and Star Scholars Program Research opportunity for Summer 2020.

Should I opt for Drexel or should I go traditional route. I am thinking of Case Western UG or UMass Amherst UG

@collegeboundxyz : What have you decided ? I am also in the same boat. Should we opt Drexel BS/MD or Traditional route

@rk2017: Drexel doesn’t allow you to finish UG in 3 years. They have Co-op option which is mandatory requirement for BS/MD Program.

My son got accepted into Drexel BS/MD early assurance program. Invited for Honor school & Start scholar program too.
But we are not able to decide whether we should opt for Traditional route by enrolling UMass Amherst or Case Western OR should we commit to Drexel BS/MD program.

Any insights is much appreciated ! Thank you !

Anyone in the group who got accepted into GW BA/MD and are not interested as they got into their other dream programs, we kindly request them to withdraw from GWU! It will free up spots for the alternate pool.

Thank you @medgirl6! Happy for you to have the decision, and best wishes. Hope we get that spot!!

@rk2017: It is Mandatory to do 6 months Co-op at Drexel if you are selected for BS/MD program

@srk2017 : Need your insight. My son got accepted to Drexel to 4+4 BS/MD early assurance Program. He got invited to Honors and Start Scholars Program at Drexel. They have 6 months Co-op opportunity.

We are very confused. Should we accept Drexel or traditional Route to either UMASS AMHERST or CASE WESTERN

Thank you in advance for your insight.