Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@Cherax how about you? also are there a lot of people invited for this and if so baylor2med track should be somewhat of a measure stick if ill get into other bsmds right?

@123wz321 How do U know about rpi so early ?

@Cherax are Baylor decisions out so early ?

@diaash i said RIP not RPI attesting to my sadness of not gettin into Baylor BSMD

Does anyone have information on CNU’s 2+4 Program? I was just accepted but am a little uneasy about enrolling. They require me to make a decision by Nov. 29, is this normal? What are my options? I haven’t heard back from other schools and I do not necessarily want to go here if I get into other programs. Is it worth it?

Oh rip @123wz321 me neither well it’s fine. And nah, not many people are invited, it’s not really indicative at all of other BS/MD’s.

@abc4063 I’ve heard awful things about CNU’s program. One person told me that throughout the entire 6-8 years, you don’t see a single patient.

@123wz321 Got u. Sorry to hear. Am sure there are other acceptances coming along ur way

@abc4063 Congratulations!

Are you instate or OOS applicant?

Does uconn have OOS seats? Or does it prefer only instate ?

@abc4063 Suggest to Google CNU and also search CNU in College Confidential web site and read about it.
As a parent, I spent only 30 minutes and decided my D is not applying to CNU 3 years back. It is no different now.

It is a for profit private college started few years back and it is expensive. Not yet fully accredited.

Join after doing your research and if you still believe it is ok from your personal situation.

Does anyone know how hard Virginia Commonwealth BSMD is?

just got rejected from baylor bsmd u think i even got a shot at other stuff

@abc4063 Congrats! Did they interview you? How do they notify on acceptance? Txs

I am out of state.

@sunitacarmen Yes, they did. It was a video interview that I submitted with the questions they gave me. They notified me on my acceptance by email.

@123wz321 If you are asking about admission stats

Profile of 2018 Applicants
Applications were received from more than 600 qualified high school seniors for the fall 2018 entering freshman class. In late March, 30 students received an acceptance letter. The average unweighted GPA of these student was a 3.94 and their SAT scores ranged from 1360 to 1580 (critical reading and math) with an average of 1495. ACT composite scores ranged from 31 to 36 with an average of 34. In addition, accepted candidates had accumulated an average of 400 hours of healthcare-related experience.

how is BU’s BS/MD program? how hard it is to get into? and the SAT in foreign language really mandatory? Please advice.

@GODss BU SMED is considered as a good one in the second tier(following the top tier like NW, Brown RB etc.). I believe SAT in FL is recommended but not a requirement. I know quite a few who made it w/o SAT in FL.

I believe BU is considered first tier.