Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

You betcha, it is a top rated highly regarded med school. Regarding the competition, their acceptance rate for 2018 was about 2.5% (~50 accepted out of > 2000 applicants) which is coincidentally similar to their overall university acceptance rate of 25% except for the dot in the middle :-).
Don’t expect any financial awards (merit based) no matter how stellar your records may have been!

Not sure though why the question about the BU’s program now, thought the application deadline may have passed already?

Here are Top Medical School’s Avg UG GPA and MCAT scores

This is for entertainment purposes only. Please verify data accuracy yourself. No guaranteed about data below. The list is not ordered or ranked in anyway.

Top 25 Avg GPA/MCAT - UG GPA 3.86 / Avg MCAT 517

University of California - San Francisco School of Medicine 3.84 514

Stanford University School of Medicine 3.89 518

University of California-Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine 3.79 508

University of California - San Diego School of Medicine 3.84 517

University of Michigan Medical School 3.86 516

Mayo Medical School 3.85 513

Harvard Medical School 3.92 518

Boston University School of Medicine 3.81 517

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University 3.83 516

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons 3.87 519

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3.84 519

Weill Cornell Medical College 3.87 519

Duke University School of Medicine 3.85 516

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine 3.81 517

Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania 3.87 518

Washington University School of Medicine 3.89 521

Baylor College of Medicine 3.89 515

Brown University The Warren Alpert Medical School 3.79 515

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 3.92 519

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine 3.9 520

Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine 3.9 519

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine  3.9 520

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 3.86 515

The Ohio State University College of Medicine 3.83 515

New York University School of Medicine 3.9 520

This is for entertainment purposes only. Please verify data accuracy yourself.

@rk2017 BU’s deadline did pass – though not by much, it was Nov. 15.

A more general question: For Case’s PPSP, can one apply as a liberal arts major?

of course, all the tiers are subjective.

Sure, everything is subjective, but it does help to be more close to reality in that aspect by reading what well known channels opine based on quantity and quality (high index citations) of research outputs among other things.
The numbers on the left are international rankings numbers, I have filtered for US alone. Also UCB = UCSF actually, they always do that due to geographical, historical and collabative reasons.!/page/0/length/25/locations/US/sort_by/scores_overall/sort_order/asc/cols/scores

Well, the filter by country doesn’t seem to work properly, but you have the option to do so if interested.

These came out about 10 days ago for 2019, actually did not realize earlier there are two categories to choose from under the subject, Medicine and Dentistry under one bucket and Other health in the other. The default is “any subject” which seems to be combination of both in some weighted sum format. Other health refers to pharmacy, physical therapy, Bio med engineering and other allied fields together I believe. Below are for Medicine and Dentistry alone.!/page/0/length/25/locations/US/subjects/3141/sort_by/scores_overall/sort_order/asc/cols/scores

(Well, the link may not work as is, you may have to pick and choose the country and subject from the pull down options manually)

Coming back to the subject of subjectivity :slight_smile: again, I know some folks are bent upon U.S. News Rankings of which I am a critic (along with many distinguished folks in the academia). I don’t care what methodology they are using but it must be severely faulted if it clubs both Stanford and NYU med schools at 3. (even prior to the latter’s recent announcement of tuition free which can potentially invite bright fellows to their fold in the future). In primary care it relegates Stanford to 26 or so tied with half a dozen other institutions. It relegates the famed med schools of Tufts and Michigan State (just to name a couple) to 60s to 80s ranks (within the country!!) besides not giving any rankings to well known institutions like Tulane, AMC, Uniformed Services and Arizona (just to name a few again) just because they don’t care to provide all the data demanded by that outfit and/or care about their rankings.

My subjectivity dictated that I should go look for alternative sources and that’s why I found a far more superior outfit’s listing above which seems to fall well in line with the ground realities. Have been following them for a few years now besides using other methods of research which started prior to and during D’s admission cycle.

I’m surprised that some schools already notified their applicants.

How about some haven’t turned in their applications yet? Should I turned it in or it’s too late? I thought they have due date for reason.

Hello all, I have a question regarding who reviews my application. For example, for NW HPME, there is a separate application for the program and the Feinberg committee does not have access to my CommonApp information. Does anyone know if this is also true for CWRU PPSP, WUStL USPM, or R/B Medical Scholars? I’m wondering because a lot of the sentiments in my “Why Medicine” is already reflected in my CommonApp essay and I would consider writing a new CommonApp essay to avoid redundancy. Thanks for any help!

Penn State portal is updated stating they will be notifying Sydney Kimmel Medical College and if selected will receive an interview note. How long will it take after this to know if one is selected for an interview?

@RedMan108, In last cycle, the PS/SKMC interview notice email started coming out in early/mid-December, and the interview was held at SKMC on February 14. GL.

I also applied to this program, when did you find about your acceptance?

Thanks @biomeds

@abc4063 when were you asked to submit the interview and also when did you submit your application

@neurochic CNU and Brown PLME are two opposite ends of BSMD program spectrum. It seems that you applied to a wide range of BSMD programs. IMHO, it may be better to go via regular route for Medical School admissions rather than going into any BSMD program. The Medical School must be at least accredited by LCME.

Hello everyone! General question about the HPME application request. I submitted about five days ago, when do you think I should receive a response if I am eligible for the application or not? I submitted a 1560 SAT/800 Bio-M/750-Chem. What are my chances of receiving an application?

Also, is the Baylor/Baylor Med program traditionally for in-state applicants? How many people normally apply?

@Ana2000 Baylor/Baylor does not say it is restricted for instate only, so it appears OOS candidates are eligible.
They have two deadlines, both have passed. They have already announced the first step results (D did not get selected, we are in-state). They indicated they have received most number of applicants this year.

@Ana2000 should be fine, I have a friend with similar stats who got in