Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@TulipBox Thanks for sharing your experience. If it is ok with you, what was the final decision (UofR or TCNJ/NJMS) and the reasoning, is it due to something special about that program or due to location or aid or flexibility to do major or instate school or whatever? That insight can benefit this year students / parents.

@whitecane If I recall correctly, DC had an interview in either November or December with an admissions staff person and i believe it was one that DC signed up for through the website. That interview was more about the U of R and not so much about the REMS program, so your D may want to think about how U of R is a good fit for her and what she likes about the school, etc. DC received the invite for the REMS weekend in early March, I think it was. It was a wonderful program that they put on for both students and parents. The candidates had several interviews for the BS/MD program over the course of a couple of days. They stayed overnight with U of R REMS students. My advice would be to tell your D to try to relax and stay calm. Talk about how she’s a good fit for the school and her interests. Most of the interviewers DC encountered were actually nice and not intimidating. It might help if she runs through a few practice interviews at home. There are some good YouTube videos on interviewing too that might help.

@whitecane Correction, DC got the REMS weekend invite in January but the actual weekend was in early March. It’s coming back to me now. TCNJ/NJMS also hosted a sleepover and open house for accepted students. Their program had 2 interviews and was the very last decision letter that DC received.

Hello @GoldenStateDad when did your son get his Penn State interview notification? If no interview notification is sent, does this mean rejection?
Thank you.

I myself interviewed with the mentioned physician from Uroch. Its an undergrad alumni interview. I chose a phone interview and it went very well. Like any interview just talk about yourself and don’t lie. Note this is not the REMS interview.

@GoldenRock DC had an extremely hard time deciding but chose TCNJ/NJMS due to closer location, shorter duration of the program, and the ability to carry less debt down the road. Both campuses and programs were very appealing. DC also liked both medical schools after touring. DC would have been really happy at either one and it was such a tough decision.

  1. To the best of knowledge ALL* BS/MD programs have IN-PERSON interview some time in the cycle. Even if you are in HI, you need to fly to NJ or Boston or Ohio or wherever.
  2. Few BS/MD programs, has a pre-req that students must be admitted to Honors college. And few of those programs, even for Honors college there is some interview by the UG honors college. That some times they offer phone if they realize it is too far for students to come. NJ feeder colleges do this way. But Baylor still expects 2 in person visits (not a great option).
  3. There are few universities / colleges, have the optional interview for admission to UG. This interview they do visit different regions and need to schedule in advance for in person or can have phone interview or go their college if nearby. This interview is there for both BS/MD program universities as well as non BS/MD universities. Example: Non-BS/MD schools: Vanderbilt, many top 30 schools. BS/MD schools UG interview: Rice, U of R, CWRU,

*-4. But pay little more attention and preparation for Brown: Since Brown does not have in person interview. But it has an alumni interview (in person or phone). But that interview is used for both UG and BS/MD admission purpose.

DS had an in-person U of R interview with an Admissions officer. It lasted for ~50 min. He also had an alumni interview with Brow (~1 hr). While both of them were not BSMD, they provided a good experience. So, if you have an option to interview for UG, take it.

Yes this is not a Rems interview.As we are keeping D options open to regular good undergraduate universities we want make sure we try our best to get into one.Thank you all.

Unless there is separate Med School supplemental or different app, assume your UG application package will be forwarded to the med school.
Some elements of Why medicine? and your personal statement are bound to be the same, otherwise there will be dissonance.


Re: Interviews: If you have the time (and are ok with some expense), take the interview that is offered/asked by the university.
It will help in your actual Med School interviews.

Brown PLME alumni interview has limited weightage as not all applicants get an alumni interview.
Either there is some method in Brown’s madness (that I do not understand) or their process of interview is highly mismanaged.

Unlike say MIT: MIT says on its website - of the students who did the MIT alumni interview ~10% got admitted as against ~1% of students who did NOT do the alumni interview.


Reg PLME, They invest a lot of time (through volunteers, though no real cost to Brown), I think there is some process (secret) that Brown follows. I thought it could be the availability of alumni, or timeline when one applies, or major etc., but noticed that few select students who applied for RD from one school got alumni interview in November, while several others who applied for ED did not get one. Looks like the secret remains secret. But I agree that if one is offered an interview, just take it. My DS had a great experience talking to Brown alumni.

Coincidently, received NU optional in-person interview invite with AO today. The invite clearly stated that not accepting it will not have any impact on the final decision.

2 years back my S had an interview with U of R admissions person who visited our town. she had no clue about BSMD program and they don’t give any feedback. DS didn’t get interview but got UG admission with some merit scholarship.


Anybody has any info of Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Medpiplines program?



I could be wrong, but it may not be guaranteed program. There was some discussion on this earlier this year in 2018 thread. From my vague memory, South Florida (USF) has a good program. One benefit of the FL programs, again from my vague memory, is that their due dates are later than most others’, so you can focus on them once you are done with the regular applications by Jan 1st.

I suggest you go to 2018 discussions thread and search with keywords such as FAU, USF, FL, Florida. Not sure though if these programs have state or regional presferences in selections.

@rk2017 FAU says on website guaranteed seat in undergraduate and graduate medical school and they says will interview in Feb with Charles Smidth medical school.
FAU also give Full Ride for NMF.

USF not a gauranteed program but early assurance. Full Ride for NMF.

Good, I had the programs interchanged then :slight_smile:
Believe USF’s is more reputed of the two. Either way will be a great deal for NSF ists.

Here is my take on Florida BS/MD

FAU - 7-8yrs conditional acceptance to College of Medicine. Low tier, Excellent Scholarships, NMF full ride.

USF - 7-8yrs early assurance not guarantee to College of Medicine. Low to mid tier, NMF full ride.

FSU - 7-8yrs not guarantee to College of Medicine, Mid tier, NMF full ride. Only for FL state residents.

@sajju786 One of relatives (FL res) got into FAU BS/MD program with full ride last year and after some research decided to go to Vanderbilt for UG premed without any scholarship.So I am not sure of FAU.

Any one here has any feedback on FAU?

Also anyone has any feedback on NOVA in FL, which is a DO program not MD.As I am reading DO and MD residencies are merging and there would not be any difference.