Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Have friends who got into FAU BS/MD- did not hear good things about the actual ‘guarantee’ of the program (high GPA req, interviews after meeting excessive reqs etc.)

NOVA is not a good program- know people who currently go there, there is an unusually high attrition rate.

And the residency merger will likely make DO’s even more difficult to match- since most former DO residencies are now open to MD’s, who typically have stronger stats and STEP scores than DO’s.

@GreenPoison What are excessive requirements GPA >= 3.6 ,MCAT >= 510 ?


I would say GPA >=3.7, MCAT>= 510 (also depends on number of tries allowed).

Of course, not all GPA’s are created equal, as proven by the fact that at certain programs, its much harder to maintain a high GPA than others (i.e. Northwestern vs. Penn State).

In regards to FAU specifically, after reading over the requirements page the GPA req is a 3.7 for each and every semester, while also requiring a COMPLETED application with an interview before matriculation.

In my mind, at this point, you’re just better off being a regular pre-med and applying to better medical schools- especially since the GPA req is so high and since they essentially force you to do all the traditional pre-med EC’s.

Agree with @GreenPoison . Don’t bother about FAU. May be FL students who have a financial reason should consider if they give IS fees or outside students if they give solid merit or need aid. It is not a BS/MD program.

In regards to the merger, it seems the general consensus is that it’ll be harder for the poor DO students to match due to AOA residencies no longer being DO specific but it will be easier for the top DO students who do well on STEP 1 to match. Nobody knows the impact however and it is most likely going to even out in the years following the merger. Nova would be a good backup program because it is non binding and you can apply out to MD schools, however it is expensive.

Oof. Received an acceptance from Stanford yesterday, which has been my dream school for over six years. Now the reality’s setting in that I may have to choose between a BS/MD program and a school that is an amazing fit for me. It’ll probably end up coming down to quality of the med school and merit aid offered. Really ready for these decisions to start coming out.

Congrats : )) that’s a good choice to have to make

@onceand4all Hearty Congratulations!!!.

Thank you very much:) Thrilled and stressed at the same time hahaha

Anyone here apply WASHU bsmd program?

Did anyone received Penn state updates? It’s under still review for D.

Its still under review for me as well. Everyone is saying Dec 24th is the last notification date so I am starting to move on from Penn State for now.

@onceand4all Congratulations

@whitecane and @BigMan1234 Same my S says still under review. I am also starting to move on :frowning:

@rjqz18 yes we did apply and my S had alumni interview today in Chicago, he said it went well with Alumni.

@onceand4all Congrats! That’s amazing :slight_smile: What BS/MD schools are you looking at?

When does Rochester come out? Also, does one have to be accepted to the undergrad before anything further?

Rochester: No, they will first decide if you are invited for an interview.
If not, they will give you an option to continue with the undergrad application.


Re: WashU
They only have 4 seats.
Plus their undergraduate requirements are onerous.
Students are under more pressure than even regular pre-Med undergrads.