Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


Congratulations, you have a very strong profile! However, you must continue to work hard if you want to receive admission. I’m no admissions officer, but I believe the following key points really helped me through the process.

  • Maintain your excellent GPA. Take difficult classes that interest you, and make sure you perform well in those classes. You have already taken many AP Classes, so continue to take and excel in them.
  • Focus on your research and medical volunteer activities. The more medical experience, the better.
  • Try to determine your "unique" factor, something that will make you stand out to admission committees (dance, for example). Focus on this factor in your non-medical application essays, and how it has shaped you as a student and person.
  • Start on your application essays EARLY, and be genuine. Focus on coming up with a personal and well-bodied answer to the "Why medicine" essay. This is the KEY TO SUCCESS.
  • Do your best on your standardized tests, but DON'T waste too much time on retaking them. Focus your energy on those essays!
  • Most importantly, do your research on the programs you are applying to, and make sure your goals are aligned with theirs. Different programs look for different types of students, so make sure you apply to those that fit your profile.

Feel free to PM me with any specific/personal questions!


Could you elaborate on this. My D is finding this a bit difficult. Some of the programs are quite up front, for example Union says exactly what is it looking for. But, for example, where would you look to find what Hofstra wants that is different from Drexel?


I personally browsed earlier bs/md threads on college confidential and looked at profiles of students admitted to these programs. From these profiles, I tried to determine common factors and patterns associated with specific programs (ex. research vs. volunteering hours). This helped me choose programs that I believed would want students like me. I also called the admission offices of these colleges and asked whether they could provide me with additional information about these programs, and what a strong candidate’s profile would consist of. I would also recommend visiting the colleges (if possible) beforehand, and talking to students/admission committee members about what type of students they are looking for and how to strengthen a profile. If your D knows a recent high school graduate who is currently a BS/MD student, try to use them as a resource as well. All BS/MD programs want strong academics/extracurriculars and medical experience, so if all else fails, keep that in mind. Focusing on essays, being genuine, and maintaining a strong academic/extracurricular/medical profile is your D’s best bet. Also, applying to a variety of programs may be helpful. I applied to about 20 different programs, and I know students who applied to 30+. However, make sure quality is not substituted for quantity. An ample amount of time should be spent on each essay, no matter if there are 50 or 100 of them to write. Colleges will only see the quality of the essay your D writes, not the number of colleges your D applied to. Good luck!

@TheElusiveGod Thanks! very helpful.

What do you all think of my chances? I just finished my junior year. Here are my stats!

-Indian American Male


-4.00 weighted GPA
-1580 SAT (780 CR+W, 800 M)
-1500 PSAT (750 CR+W, 750 M)
-Class Rank: N/A

AP’s (at time of application):
-AP Human Geography
-AP Biology
-AP US History
-AP Environmental Science

Senior Year AP’s:
-AP Calculus AB
-AP Chemistry
-AP Statistics
-AP Government and Politics
-AP Macroeconomics
-AP Microeconomics


-JV Baseball- 1 year
-Odyssey of the Mind (Creativity Competition)-3 years (Made the World Finals all 3 years)
-40 hours shadowing in the Emergency Department
-Youth in Government- (3 years)
-World Quest (Current Events Competition)-3 years
-Brain Bee- 2nd in the state
-Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout)


-Odyssey of the Mind Vice President - 1 year
-World Quest Co-President - 2 years
-Boy Scout Patrol Leader - 3 years
-Led an Eagle Scout Project, a fitness trail in my neighborhood, which benefitted the health of the community

Community Service:

-200 hours volunteering in Hospital
-100 hours volunteering with Camp Manito (Camp for mentally disabled kids)
-50 hours volunteering with Boy Scouts of America
-40 hours volunteering in communities of economically disadvantaged
-40 hours teaching kids in communities of economically disadvantaged

Research Experience:
~150 hours working in a research lab at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital for Neuroscience

Applying to the following programs:
-Baylor Medical Track
-Case Western PPSP
-St. Bonaventure/GW
-University of Central Florida
-USciences/Cooper Medical School

I’m worried that my GPA will be my downfall, which these guaranteed programs look for, and I don’t know if my standardized test scores do make up for the low GPA. Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.


Check my earlier comments on the expected stat ranges for ORM like yourself (Over Represented Minorities).

You haven’t mentioned your unweighted gpa, but I am guessing it is in the 3.7 range, which may be tough to be compensated for by SAT or any other factors. I would guess a 3.8 is the minimum one should be going in with into this application process (though all these programs mention 3.5 as the min to apply with).

Also you haven’t mentioned your scores on APs and any SAT subject tests if any. Some of these programs do look into these and also what subjects you have taken so far. I would recommend at least 3 of the BCPM subject APs by the end of junior year with as many 5s as possible. That to some extent can compensate for the GPA. But unfortunately in your case I see only Bio.

Also some of the programs you are considering may not be true BS/MD programs as folks say. They only guarantee you an interview at the end of 3rd year provided you meet their minimum reqs. Check out more about Toledo and Temple in this regard. UMiami is not a guaranteed program as of last year.

I would recommend you to consider applying for any regular UG programs to go through in traditional route if this doesn’t work out. Again, if you are bent on going to medicine you should avoid going to the ultra competitive and grade deflated schools for your undergrad just for the sake of prestige. GPA is vital for med school admissions. So you may have to make a choice between prestige and practicality. Hope this helps.

@OVOGang Since nothing can be done about GPA now, don’t worry about it. But you have covered many facets, so apply for few programs and also apply for some good UG schools.
Any reason for not applying to PSU (assume you are from PA state)?
Suggest to apply to Rice/Baylor (than Baylor/Baylor). In that way, even if you don’t get BS/MD program, Rice is an excellent choice for Pre-med.

can you put link on thoughts ORM…I’m Asian American and starting to be concerned after the Harvard “Asian personality” disclosure…TIA

@TheElusiveGod would u recommend taking the act again?

If you are interested in Texas, focus on Rice/Baylor and Baylor/Baylor. Even if you don’t make it for accelerated programs, both schools have solid undergrad programs and send a big percentage to medical schools. Both have good financial aid and merit scholarships as well.

Hey everyone! I’m starting in the BU med program this fall so if anyone wants application advice, let me know!


This all depends on what grade you are currently entering (you may have mentioned this in a previous post, but I could not locate it). A 33 ACT is definitely a competitive score for BS/MD programs, but many applicants will have scored at this level or higher. Although ideally a student should aim for a 35/36 ACT score, if you are a rising senior, I WOULD NOT recommend wasting time and energy on retaking the ACT. Instead of wasting time preparing for an exam you have already scored well on, focus your attention on writing quality essays and improving interview skills. After all, an admissions committee will spend less than 2 seconds looking at your ACT score, but 5-6 minutes reading over your essay. In 99% of applications, essays definitely outweigh standardized test scores. However, if you are a rising junior, and you believe you can score higher, you might want to consider retaking to be on the safer side. A 33 won’t detract from a strong application, but a 35/36 can add a slight boost. Don’t panic if you don’t have time to retake, as your profile is very strong, and a 33 ACT score is nothing short of impressive.

Anyone know how competitive the Brooklyn college program is? Like will a 31 ACT and a 97 UW GPA cut it?

Hello All,

My D is rising senior and would like to see the BSMD chances.
She is looking into:

U of Roch

NOT any IVY schools.

Could you please suggest any other schools?

Thanks in advance

Academic Information:

GPA: 4.00/4.00 unweighted, 4.4/4.4 weighted (Max Cap 4.4in school)
AP Classes: Human Geography (4), European History (3), Psychology (5), Physics (3), US History (5)
Senior AP Classes: Calc AB, Biology, Chemistry, US Gov
Honors Classes: English I, Biology, English II, Advanced Algebra, Chemistry, Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry
SAT Total Score: 1520 scores: Math 790, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 730, Essay Scores: 21/24
ACT: 33 Composite - Eng 35 Math 33 Read 34 Science 29
Areas of Interest for College: Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Pre-Medicine

Extra-Curricular Activities:

JV Swim Team - 4 years
Principal Student Advisory Team - 2 years
Future Medical Professionals Club - 2 years
National French Honors Society
National Honors Society
Student Mentor
Link Crew
Student Council

WYSE Group & Individual Award- 1st place Regional
RISE - Research program - Gold state award
Academic All-Conference Award
AP Psychology student of the year

Work Experience:
Swim Coach

Volunteer Experience & Other Activities:
Local Hospital Volunteering (160 Hours)
Taught swim skills to children diagnosed with autism, neurological and genetic disabilities (50 Hours)
Physician Shadowing – Pediatrician (20 Hours), family Physician (35 Hours)

Indian American - USA born girl


Don’t be too bothered with the ORM factor by drawing parallels with Ivys. The dynamics of the BS/BA/MD process is different, with majority of applicants coming from ORM background. The most important factor you need to bothered about is to measure up to the intensity of competition from this distinguished bunch, especially if you are an ORM yourself.


  1. SLU is not a true BS/MD program.
  2. If you are familiar with Baylor or from Texas, it is fine. Otherwise suggest visit or research before you finalize. Recommend to try Rice/Baylor, it is a better choice even if you get just Rice.
  3. What is your home state (Assume IL)? Any restrictions in terms how far you would like to go for UG? That will help to give suggestions. Not sure OU or Tulsa will be of any interest to you?
  4. Not clear what you meant by ‘Not any IVY schools’. Only Brown offers BS/MD among Ivy school. Suggest to consider some good UG schools (including Ivy) also besides BS/MD programs.

thanks @GoldenRock

Yes, you are correct. We are from Illinois.
Rice/Baylor also we will consider.

Any restrictions in terms how far you would like to go for UG?


No restrictions

Not sure OU or Tulsa will be of any interest to you?


Didn’t consider these schools. But definitely will look into those.

Not clear what you meant by 'Not any IVY schools'.


Not planning to apply IVY schools. she got 720 and 730 in subject tests.

Suggest to consider some good UG schools (including Ivy) also besides BS/MD programs.


She is considering, BME (biomedical engg) also. if she gets into a good BME school, she will do BME with premed track.

Thanks Again.


My suggestion, if she can, to squeeze in another attempt of SAT/ACT in early fall. I think she has better scope in ACT since got good scores in all sections other than science. With a little practice, she can perhaps raise the composite score by another 2 points. I would suggest adding Penn State/Thomas Jefferson to your list of schools to consider applying to since the intake is decent unlike Baylor or GWU and may be even Rochester (single digits to 10 every year). Not suggesting BU (Boston) though despite good intake, since the bar is likely too high.

Whatever school and major she may choose for undergrad traditional route if need be, do prior research on factors like grade deflation, competitiveness, the distribution of student population i.e. is it fairly represented in terms of diversity or lop sided by one or two groups, what percentage of the premed track students make it to med schools (beware this is likely manipulated and not necessarily honest figures the schools may give) etc. You can get most of the initial information from different sections of the common data sets for the respective schools and then you can take it up from there for further analysis and by school visits, if possible. Also the high school guidance counselors and past students can give good insights too. Good Luck!

Thanks @rk2017
definitely make sense, will drop off BU and add “Penn State/Thomas Jefferson”.
U Rochester planing to apply for BME as premed Major.
She took 3 times ACT already :slight_smile: 32 32 and 33. Not much improvement.
She took SAT twice 1520, 1490. So I think she may not improve from there.

@blessed101, no issues. As some one suggested earlier ACT/SAT may not be make or break except for the super competitive ones in this domain. Let her focus on writing great essays and get solid recommendations. I think your state school of UIC also has a decent intake so hope it works out there itself. I remember seeing some one posting about UIC in the 2018 cycle thread. It may help to PM (private message) and get some inputs first hand. If you have difficulty with that, let me know and I can help later.