Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@Undecided3494 You were of tremendous help to my DD while we were on the bsmd app cycle for last year and it is so great to see you still being so generous with your time in helping this year’s applicants. This characteristic will stand you in good stead in your medical career, I am sure! Blessings for the remaining part of your education!

My D is now a freshman in the Union/AMC program and the AMC interview format last year for her was not MMI. It was, as another parent said earlier, one on one and also a group session. My D loved the one on one session as you just had to be yourself and answer the questions sincerely. The interviewers are good at figuring out if you’re truly interested in medicine and if your experiences have been genuine. The group session was a tiny bit intimidating for my D as it’s more a group discussion. You can only prepare so much for the interviews as the interview are pros and in the end it’s about presenting yourself and your accomplishments in the best light. Also remember they’re closely watching you and can see how you interact with others in the group and whether you’re social, amiable, snide or sarcastic.

Last year’s RPI and Union candidates went through the same exact interview format on the same days/sessions. Siena/AMC interview format was different. I don’t know if things are different this year.

I also noticed many people say AMC gives too much emphasis on GPA, I don’t think so either based on what my D has told me. They are looking for well rounded students. The ones who were finally selected seem to have many different attributes and strengths, not just gpa.

As a parent, I love the Union program. My D already took a mandatory Leadership in Medicine course where they discussed the social and clinical aspects of medicine from the points of view of doctors, nurses and patients . Students had to read healthcare related books from excellent writers, at least 7 books for the trimester course, analyze them and write essays on them. They also did a research paper about different topics in medicine, such as telehealth. I think the course helps them really “get their head in the game” of medicine and helps these young 18 years olds learn more about medicine than they have by their previous medical related activities. As a physician, I was wishing they had made us read some of these books while we were students.

Best of luck to all of you during this high stress time of app season. You are all high achievers and will come out winners no matter where you go, I’m sure, as long as you don’t lose your focus.

Thanks @GoldenStateDad and @grtd2010

@GoldenStateDad, @whitecane how many people are invited for BU and what is the interview format…

@OVOGang Congratulations: when did you fer Penn State interview? Did you get an email ?

Does anyone know when RPI/AMC will send supplemental if you havent received yet or have all been received already? I took CASPer on 11/20?

Penn State - normally they offer 50 spots and ~25 accept. Last year 45 accepted making it the biggest batch of BSMD in Penn history. That could have impacted this year number selected for interviews and also final offers.

@123wz321 My S took the CASPer on 11/20, after long waiting today he got the supplemental.

I noticed several folks received notification from Drexel today that their apps were forwarded to medschool. Congrats! From past years, does anyone recall whether the forwarding/notification occurs on just one day/multiple days and if it is if time to move on? Our status still shows “app under review” on their portal. Thx


Last year, at Drexel, I’m pretty sure it was one day for app forwarding.

Then, a few weeks later, rolling interview invites over the course of one week (multiple days).

@hoop897 do you mind sharing your son’s stats? Also will we know if we got rejected or accepted or no? I think my low unweighted gpa may be hindering me (3.8ish)

Any more calls from BU ?.. Approximate interview dates ?

Case starts reviewing applications today (or Monday).

The RPI Supplement says that there is a 1,000 character limit on some essays. Would it be okay if my essay was 1400 characters, because the form does not cut off my essay, but I was not sure.

I got the email notification on Friday around noon.


@123wz321 he has U.W 4 and W 4.8…Thx

@pun2018 For me, when I submitted the RPI/AMC application, prior to being able to submit, the form generated a pop up which said that one of the responses was beyond the character limit. Although you are allowed to type more than the character limit into each box, upon hitting submit, the application will not allow you to do so. I’d recommend sticking to the character limit.

Today received mail from SBU that my D will not be considered for BS/MD but gave option to be considered for LECOM BS/DO program or just BS program. So one more BS/MD option down.

We just received an email from Stony Brook on UG admission. No word on status of BSMD though. Do they notify you later/at all if being in consideration for BSMD or we just wait for interview or rejection at that point?


Same here for GW :frowning: