Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Thank you, @elizabeth67809

BUā€™s 2018 match list - comparing the same primary care residency - the percentage is about 30% - significantly lower than UAB.
Do compare the Family practice residency: TOTAL US seats is 12.7%. UAB has 14.6% while BU has 6.3% students opting for family medicine.

Congrats @elizabeth67809

When do Case Western PPSP and Drexel BS MD release interview selection decisions?

CWRU might come out on 01/26 (my guess based on past years).

@GoldenStateDad, @elizabeth67809 and others,

I think it is too early for you start giving serious consideration about UAB now itself. Let your DS or DD attend all the interviews and let all the results come out then you will have far better clarity on what to do. If you have multiple offers from similarly positioned programs you can choose which one weighing all the perceived positives, negatives, preferences, big things, little things and the whole nine yards. Also recommend attending as many programsā€™ orientations as possible. Sometimes the decision making process can change in the last minutes.

Personally for D and us, the top priorities were location, the freedom to pursue any area of studies within liberal arts during undergrad (without having to compromise taking on coursework just for maintaining GPA) and the reputation of the med school. Perhaps in that order. But one size doesnā€™t fit all.

I think UAB programā€™s drawback is having to study for 8 years. It would have been more attractive if they gave some flexibility in that regard. The med school is no doubt, one of the highly regarded nationally and internationally. Just residency match lists canā€™t be the sole criterion in your decision making. You also need to consider what type of medicine your son or daughter is inclined in pursuing if known, academic, research or clinical. Even within residencies aspect, I heard some one say their Orthopedic residency program is one of the top most in the country. I doubt if anyone selected to that residency would think twice about going and spending next 7 years in that place (yes one of the longest duration specialities during residencies).

@NoviceDad ā€¦ Appreciate you could elaborate how to read match list (primary care vs specialties) for particular college.
Thanks in advance
For example Albany medical college match list shows students opting Primary Care 53% ( Family medicine 17%) . Wondering if Albany better than Alabama ?


Couldnā€™t agree more on what you said to wait till we have firm acceptances. Itā€™s just a hypothetical discussion at this time to think through possible scenarios.

UAB, If I am not mistaken, though 8 years gives flexibility in terms of students completing the required courses in 3 years, take MCAT and apply to UAB school of medicine and any other program in the country. If not selected anywhere, the student can always come back after 4 years and join the med school. The student could double majors or anything of his.her choice during 4th year. So, itā€™s not binding per say and gives some flexibility.


Good to know that about UAB.
Also meant to add but forgot about residency statistics by primary care or whatever. You may have to look deeper into the statistics. For example which one is a better residency? An internal medicine at Stanford vs. some highly sought after speciality (for whatever reasons) at some no way comparable med school? Also the interest and inclination of the students is paramount. They are going to most probably spend the rest of their careers in the field they choose to and it is important to go with what is to oneā€™s heartā€™s liking as determined during their med school studies.

@GoldenStateDad that sounds good flexibility that allows you explore beyond UAB, to my knowledge SLU med scholar doesnā€™t allow that. If you want to apply to other medical schools, student has to give up SLU medical school seat before college gives you rec letter and/or what else student needed to apply to other med schools. Now if student wants to come back to SLU med school, student has to apply just like any other traditional applicant as their med scholar seat is forfeited.

@ZacharyGelfond Though it is true any one can apply, knowing the level of competition for any BS/MD program, and the efforts needed, it may not be wise if any program calls out anything. In that respect U of South Alabama states in their web site as follows: That is a red line personally for me.

NOTE: Preference is given to applicants from Alabama and our Service Area Counties in Mississippi and Florida, although highly competitive applicants from outside these areas may be considered under special circumstances.

Talking of IS or OOS, there seems to be clear advantage of IS for some MD programs

In Summary
https://www.ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– /medical/in-state-out-of-state-admissions

Detailed stats from AAMC (check first report A-1)

@GoldenStateDad UAB BS/MD is a good program. It has many advantages as you highlighted. Make sure to attend interview and when the time comes to decide, do the deliberations.

My friend 3 years back moved to Birmingham with family and bought a house and settled. He lived in Pitts for 20+ years and Midwest 30+ years, due to sudden developments like job transfer made them to go there. He is very happy and that is where he is winding down, sold his house in Pitts.

Has anyone heard Union/AMC or UMKC yet about interviews?

@careerhelp, based on the info from various posts. So far, no one mentioned anything about UMKC interviews. Regarding Union/AMC, several people gotten interview invitations. Union/AMC conducts interviews in January, February, and March.

Any comments on bac2md program from UToledo? seems like they accept everyone who applied and meets minimum ACT and GPA requirements, and their ACT, GPA requirements are not that bad.

Itā€™s not a true BS/MD program, also Iā€™m hesitant about the quality of their education. I decided not to apply.

@careerhelp Only for UMKC, there is a long running single thread and hence check that thread for anything you need to know about. Thanks to an extra ordinary volunteer physician who went thru UMKC.

For all other BS/MD programs, every year, a new thread is created.


I believe I highlighted many aspects in post #660 earlier.
Also, do a search on residency matches in this forum. That should show all discussions on match list.

(As a aside, are you a fan of Jason Bourne movie series?)

Hey everyone! I applied for Union/AMC and have not gotten back from them yet and the val from my school got an interview invite. Do some BS/MD programs just not contact you at all if you get rejected or have they just not gotten to my application yet?