To All Our CC Friends and Family in Sandy's Path

<p>Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please stay safe and let us know how you fare.</p>

<p>Sitting here in NJ and it doesn’t look good. We will need your prayers.</p>

<p>Strong wind and horizontal rain here on Long Island, and were just getting started. Tonight and tomorrow will be brutal, and probably devastating in coastal areas. Wouldn’t be shocked to see Jones Beach and Fire Island wiped out and parts of the Hamptons and Manhattan under water. I pray I’m wrong. I’m 10 miles inland and a bit elevated so ocean flooding shouldn’t be an issue, but wind and rain damage is another story. I also expect to be without power for a week, like last year’s hurricane. Side note, last year it was a power crew from Aniston that fixed us up, my first experience with the good people of Alabama.</p>

<p>Prayers for all the folks in the NY/NJ area, Bama family and otherwise.</p>

<p>It’s pretty bad here in the Philly area also, our township roads are all closed, we lost power for a while last night but it’s on again for now. Schools closed today and tomorrow so far.</p>

<p>Hope everyone stays safe!</p>

<p>Hope terrytw is ok, check in with us if you can. I believe he’s in the evacuation zone.</p>

<p>Alive and well right now. I am getting more worried by the minute though with this wind. I am north of Sunrise Highway which is good as far as flooding but I am praying the trees around my property make it through. Hang in there Chardo and will see you on the other side!</p>

<p>5:00 and all is well. Time to break out the non perishables. Red or white?</p>

<p>DD#1 is in Brooklyn…they have sand bagged out front of her Brownstone. She is not in an evacuation area. She just called to say that she has put 2 by 4’s on the front door…her Brownstone is very old and has original hardware and doors. She was worried that they would blow in.
DD#2 in in Arlington Va. She is in a high rise apartment building. They put notes on their doors Saturday that suggested they fill their bath tubs with water in anticipation of the water sources being compromised.<br>
I get live reports from the storm every hour…prayers to all of you who are impacted by Sandy.</p>

<p>And now the power is out. See you in a week or so.</p>

<p>Waiting for electric to go out. Wind and rain terrible. </p>

<p>Glad son is at Alabama. Away from Hurricanes and tsunamis and blizzards and earthquakes. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Stay safe.</p>

<p>Prayers are offered.</p>

<p>Isn’t Robotbldr Mom in NY, too?</p>

<p>Thinking of everyone. Stay as safe as you can. Nature is always humbling.</p>

<p>DH is a HAM radio operator and is listening in to the emergency Ops HAM feeds from NY/NJ. Sounds like things are deteriorating rapidly in NYC… Fire stations and police stations trying to evacuate themselves and needing boats.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, I am checking in…we arrived for Homecoming on Thursday and were due to fly out of Atlanta on Sunday. Fifteen minutes outside Atlanta, we learned that our flight was cancelled. We headed back to T-Town and here we will stay until the storm passes. I am hopeful that everyone back on the coast is okay.</p>

<p>Thanks for asking about us.
Maybe this once it is okay to ask the tide NOT to roll…</p>

<p>Stay safe, dry and warm! Thinking about you all!</p>

<p>For the folks that are “stuck” in T-town, here is the events calendar for UA. There are some neat things to do on campus. So sorry you weren’t able to get home.</p>

<p>[Events</a> Calendar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Events Calendar - The University of Alabama”>Events Calendar - The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>If you have to be stuck somewhere it is a great place to be! I wish you all the best. Prayers are with you. Hope you all get through this ok.</p>

<p>Hey All,
NYC is experiencing heavy flooding due to storm surges over the sea walls and the full force of the storm hasnt even arrived yet. Brooklyn Battery Tunnel is flooded as well as many train stations. All bridges and tunnels are closed. We lost power and hoping for the best. The wind speeds are incredible. 5 reported deaths in New York so far including 2 young children.</p>

<p>We are experiencing high winds and rain here on the west side of Cleveland. The kids are happy because we just got the call that there is no school tomorrow.</p>

<p>Praying for all of you! Stay safe!</p>