Totally Suprised


<p>Cav and jayhawk,</p>

<p>i live in Loudoun county, sterling. i also applied to JMU, CNU (accepted at both) and im waiting to hear for Virginia Tech. im not sure where i will be attending but i will make my final decision after going to the UM accepted student open house in april. how about you guys?</p>

<p>as for me redrummer i am from fairfax county and my top 3 choices at the moment are umiami, followed by U of Mich and possibly W&M should i get in. At the moment i think u miami is the top of my list but im still waitng to hear from W&M</p>

<p>Wow, Cavstudent - U M and W&M are 2 very different schools! (I have a kid at each)...just curious - what's the common thread for you?</p>

<p>my top 2 right now are UMiami and JMU. JMU has this really cool program called ISAT, i dunno how many people know about it but i really like it. however, for me there is no "top choice" as of right now. im gonna wait til i get to see Miami. good luck with W&M!</p>

<p>I got in with the University Scholarship (24k).</p>

<p>Rank: 1/89
SAT: 660 Verbal, 760 Math, 730 Writing
SAT II's: 730, 760, 670
EC's include Varsity Tennis (4 years), Student Govt, Spanish Honor Society leadership positions, Chess Club Founder, Sportswriting, lots of community service</p>

<p>Goodluck to everybody else who is awaiting their decision</p>

<p>can you tell me how you find out about the scholarship? My snail mail or email or miami web</p>

<p>My acceptance packet came with a certificate with the scholarship announcement</p>

<p>Yea i was really suprised too. I recieved mine today and i got a 16k scholly. Let me just say it is the coolest acceptance package i have got so far. However i do not think im going to attend. I was unexpectedly admitted to cornell so its going to be between cornell and UF for me.</p>

<p>I plan on undergraduate majoring in exercise science/kinesiology, and Im really not sure where I want to go. Umiami is a dream weather wise, michigan is so cold. Im really not sure if ill get into W&M but it would certainly be cost effective. As for choosing between UMiami nd JMU tho, ive been to both campuses hands down UM man. Seriously UMiami is definitely worth it!</p>

<p>Hey, anyone who doesnt want to go, I'd be glad to take your spot!</p>

<p>I just want a freaking answer from admissions already...I want to know what I'm doing with the next 4 years of my life.</p>

<p>Accepted; pre-med</p>

<p>SAT: 800V/690M/800CR
ACT: 34
GPA: 4.9 w, 3.96 uw
Rank: 2/500
Hundreds of hours of comm. service/yr
Officer in loads of clubs; class pres; no sports; in several metro-wide leadership organizations; speak 4 languages + read several others; in many AP classes, etc, etc.
National Merit Finalist, various other things</p>

<p>24K scholarship</p>

<p>good job! i got in too with the deans scholarship</p>

<p>Have any of you that got in so far seen the "Congrats your a cane" screen at MYUM?</p>

<p>Yes, Zevesal, my daughter had that screen. It only came up once. Someone had warned us about that in advance, so she actually was able to make a print of it.</p>

<p>Got in :D business
Got the Cane message but no email.
When am i notified of Financial Aid?</p>

<p>hey acarta07 you might wanna log back in and check the financial aid section, i was just clicking around today and i decided to look under it and i found out that i got 24k which im pretty schocked and excited about</p>

<p>I did and i found out my parent signature is missing so ill have to go in and sign it with my parents. I hope i still get aid. the app was in before feb 1st but somehow the signature wasnt, weird.</p>

Undergrad Journalism</p>

<p>SAT: 500 m / 730 cr / 680 w (1230 / 1910)
GPA: 3.4 uw
ECs: [ul][<em>] Published writer for province-wide student newspaper
[</em>] Worked at a movie theatre for 2 years
[<em>] Camera operator at city council meetings filmed for the local television station
[</em>] Lead actor in 7 school plays
[li] Directed two one act plays for school festivals[/li][/ul]</p>

<p>lol i never ended up submitting my application but they took the liberty of mailing me a rejection letter anyways. THanks.</p>