<p>hey people!
how bad does colleges look at a A- grade on your transcript? i took two Ap courses as a freshmen last year (AP bio and AP human geo) and i got A- on both semester in Ap human.. (somehow i took AP bio second semester while honors bio first... got a 5 ^^)</p>
<p>so is it that bad to have A- on your transcript?</p>
<p>stop bragging…you honestly can’t be genuinely concerned about the effect of an A-…even for CC this is pretty bad…people have gotten in to colleges with B’s believe or not…</p>
<p>^^^^ What? Blasphemy of the highest order! Burn the infidel!</p>
<p>College acceptance is nigh impossible with anything less than a 4.0 unweighted! I’m afraid that that little A- of yours has ruined your chances for any school but your local community college, and there your chances are slim at best!</p>
<p>Friend of mine got into HYPS and he had a C junior year in AP English (The class I’m currently up at 2AM doing homework for…=/). He is a URM though.</p>
<p>He would probobly slap you in the face for your A- whining =).</p>