Transfer from minnesota, chance me?

<p>So heres the run down. I ended up going to a community college to save money on my first year. Im a freshman in college at the moment. </p>

<p>HS record.
unweighted gpa: 3.7
weighted gpa: 3.9
My school had percentiles,(I was within the top 20%)</p>

<p>I took multiple AP classes in HS: AP Bio, AP Psych, AP Stats, AP Comp Gov, APUSH, and AP Literature.</p>

<p>EC's: In HS:
-President of Students for a Free Tibet Chapter
-Habitat for humanity Twin Cities
-Hospital Volunteer for a year
-Multicultural Club
-Project Earth(Evironmental club)
-Ping Pong Club(just for fun)</p>

<p>EC's in College:
-President of Students for a Free Tibet Chapter(Nominated president after standing president quit)
-Muslim Student Alliance (Mainly to support the group, since they tried to reach out to non-muslims plus I was interested)</p>

<p>-Act, the on bad thing was that I got a 25 on my ACT, but I read somewhere that you don't need to send your act if you are transferring.
-At the moment I haven't finished any of my credits in college yet, since this is my first semester, but I'm currently sitting at 3 A's and 1 B(pre-finals)..
So ill be sending my transcript as soon as finish the semester to meet the february deadline.</p>

<p>I applied to College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, a bit tougher to get into, but my intended major is Biochemistry.</p>

<p>What are my chances being a transfer student?</p>

<p>You are applying to the university as a whole, not a specific school/college. 24 colleges credits are required before transferring, I presume you will complete that requirement next semester. Your college gpa should be well above the requisite 3.0. You should be able to transfer. You can major in Biochemistry in both the Ag school and L&S. What makes you think the Ag school is tougher?</p>

<p>A friend just told it was tougher, but on a side note, when I did the application it asked me to pick a specific college, so how does that work if I am applying to the university as a whole?</p>

<p>They want to be able to assign the most appropriate advisor. Those without specific choices will be in the default school- L&S, where most students are. Likewise specifying a major is used in assigning your advisor. You can change these at any time to match your plans as they evolve.</p>