Transfer Hopeful--How important is HS record?

<p>Hi, I am a transfer hopeful for fall 2012. My question is: how much weight does the high school transcript have in the transfer admission process? In high school, I had a not-so-stellar 3.2 unweighted GPA, and a failed a math class (retook it successfully). This worries me... Are they pretty much just looking to see that you met the academic requirements for high school coursework? I am transferring in with about 52 college credits under my belt.</p>

<p>Virtually none. Esp with that many credits in college.</p>

<p>It’s more of a ‘it can only help you’ situation.</p>

<p>To reiterate an aforementioned post, virtually none. I was admitted to UW-Madison after one yr of coursework at SIUC (39 credits, 4.0 GPA [Major:Mechanical Engineering]). My highschool stats were less than stellar, flaunting a 3.1 GPA and a 28 ACT (I started partying when I was going into my freshman yr of highschool which contributed to my lack of ambition to excel until college hit). Moreover, if you have a good GPA, your college coursework will trump your highschool stats, as it should.</p>