Transfer Student Chances? (with relatively odd scenario)

So I’m curious about some of your thoughts on my situation because I’ve been really back-and-forth lately in my head about it:

Let’s start with the bad part of my situation. I attended the University of Minnesota back from Fall of 2010 to Spring of 2011. I rarely attended class and received all F’s for two semesters.

Fast-forward to 2015, I began attending college at Century College and received a 4.0 GPA my first semester.

As of 2017 I have now been there for nearly two full years and I should be walking out with a perfect 4.0 GPA and 58 credits. I take rigorous course work (Calculus, Physics, Computer Science, Stats, etc.) and had a strong letter of recommendation done by my Calculus II teacher.

What do you think my chances are attending Madison? I applied for Computer Science at L&S for priority transfer admittance. I included a thorough discussion of my botched year at the U of M in one of my essays (and briefly mentioned it in another). I had relatively good grades in High School (3.7 GPA) and received a 26 on the ACT. I also think both of my essays and my letter of recommendation are strong.

Thanks in advance.

Good luck to you. Looks like you did a lot of maturing in recent years. Please do not torture yourself with revisiting your distant past- that is ancient history. Your current work looks promising for success at UW.

Thank you for the reply! It’s very nice to hear things like that. I just hope my admissions counselor feels the same way =P

It sounds like you turned it all around and should be a welcome addition to Madison. Sometimes having a bad year and coming back can be better than never having it at all because it shows maturity and growth. I’ve been in the same situation, cleaned up my act and was accepted to both schools I applied to. I hope you get in!