Transfer student for 09'

<p>does anyone know the academic profile for the 08 transfer students? Anyone know someone that transfered after a year @ a community college?</p>

<p>I myself was a transfer. While I didn’t attend a community college, I can still help you if you have any questions.</p>

<p>awesome thank you!! what gpa did you transfer in with? Ive heard of some transfers getting in with under a 3.3 and others rejected with a 3.9 so what really makes the difference? i heard they’re really big on extracurricular. how do you like it so far?</p>

<p>I transferred with a 3.6 GPA. I didn’t hear what you heard about GPA but if that is true, I could tell you what I did and you could see if that proves to be effective. Outside attaining good grades, I joined a bunch of clubs on campus. A lot of these clubs met very infrequently. While my classes were very easy for me, I didn’t just sit back and take the good grades. If you intend on transferring, make bonds with your professors so that you can guarantee a good recommendation. Make sure you write a really good essay too. Don’t just submit the same one you used when you applied as a senior- I’m sure you have changed since that time. Write about why your transferring without bashing your prior institution and yet, doing it in a creative way. They have heard the same essays over and over again, something new a really good can’t hurt. I love Northeastern. There are a few things that could be better but mostly, they are nitpicks. All in all, I couldn’t be happier anywhere else. If you have any more questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.</p>

<p>ya, i have not applied before, but i need the extracurriculars. is housing that hard to get for transfers? i know they have a certain number of spots.</p>

<p>Sorry for butting in but I also have a question. If you try to transfer after one year (with 1 semester of coursework and 1 semester in progress), do you have to send your SAT and high school transcripts to them? Or can you substitute it by sending your midterms for the current semester to them?</p>

<p>ya thats exactly what im doing Lex, i’m finishing up a semester now, and ill be applying with the units i have as of now, and the ones in progress for next semester. I know that if you have 24+ transferable units they don’t look at your SAT and HS grades. Make sure the classes your taking and are going to take are transferable to NU, they have a transfer equivalences page on their website. I know that if you have under 24 units, you can substitute your midterm grades for the spring semester instead of giving them your HS/SAT. I didn’t do great in HS, so im making sure they wont see any of it !!</p>