Transfer student housing

What is the best housing for a transfer student at Madison? I will be a sophomore next year and I would like to live wit all girls if anyone else in here is also looking for roommates. Being close to campus is pretty important to me. If you all have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!

Check the UW Res Halls website (part of the UW website) regarding the dorm available to transfer students exclusively. You can also live in other dorms as well. You may want to call Res Halls and ask questions- such as which dorms have more returning students (ie fewer freshmen). Also be reassured that there are many apartments close/adjacent to the UW campus. Most students after the first or second year will move off campus so there are very few in the dorms after freshman year. Check the housing section for a listings of off campus rentals. There will be places available.

Don’t worry- you will be able to meet and socialize with people in classes and activities. You can also eat in the dorms (discount pricing for dorm residents) so there are plenty of options for not having to cook all of your meals even when living in an apartment.