Transfer students-Anyone heard yet?

<p>I’m still on Step 2.</p>

<p>Did you get your application turned in on time? After I got all my transcripts in and stuff I moved to step 3 like two days later.</p>

<p>Yeah, AIS says that they have everything. There’s one thing that hasn’t been processed, but I called yesterday to inquire about it. I was told that it was done, but just not updated yet. I submitted only about two weeks before the deadline, however, so that most likely is why it took so long.</p>

<p>Well then you should move to step 3 pretty quickly. Today makes 3 weeks since I moved to step 3 on AIS, but I heard that the next wave of letters comes out in 2 weeks, so we’ll see.</p>

<p>@kimm368 did admissions tell you 2 weeks?! I’m about to die with anticipation and I don’t know if I can last that long haha</p>

<p>Yes! When did you apply?</p>

<p>@kimm368 omg! They’ve had everything from me for over 6 weeks now</p>

<p>I JUST GOT IN!!! Maybe they’re sending out another round after today?!

<p>That’s awesome! What college did you apply too! I moved to step 5 today so we’ll see! I’m kinda of worried because the decision was so quick…It only took them 3 weeks.</p>

<p>I applied for liberal arts!</p>

<p>I GOT ACCEPTED! Good luck to everyone else applying!</p>

<p>Now you guys can laugh at us still waiting.</p>

<p>Hey! No ones laughing. You’ve gotta keep a positive outlook!</p>

<p>Just called the college to which I’m applying and they told me they haven’t even received my application. It’s pretty much stuck in the office of admission…</p>

<p>That’s the same thing I was told when I called earlier in the week. I was also told, though, that they would inform me of a decision before school starts.</p>

<p>Vegu6932 and ShotCaller: Which colleges did you apply to? Is that the same for all of us stuck on this same boat, the OoA didn’t even take a look at our applications yet?? </p>

<p>And when you mean before school starts, like not the week before school starts right? They have to give us some kind of advance notice…</p>

<p>So frustrated right now because I only applied to 3 schools and the other 2 deferred me. A&M admissions is just ridiculous.</p>

<p>I applied for the College of Geosciences… I called the office of admission (not the college of geosciences) and they told me that they received my application and that the college should have it. But the college doesn’t have it so… I’m in a limbo right now…</p>

<p>Architecture. I’m still on Step 2. I’m assuming this means that the Office of Admissions hasn’t even processed everything yet. I was told that as long as you meet the requirements to be admitted (24 transferable hours, etc…) that they pass you on to the college to which you are applying and that college makes the decision. Admissions simply weeds those out who haven’t met the base requirements. </p>

<p>As we have seen, we are all on the timelines of the individuals colleges to which we applied.</p>

<p>And when I said we would be informed of the decision “before school starts”, I was literally quoting what I was told. I didn’t include my interpretation because I didn’t want others to think that it (my interpretation) was fact.</p>

<p>I just applied for the college of liberal arts but I know I will be denied automatically because I dont have enough credit hours right now. They told me to send my transcript at the end of this semester when i do have enough hours. Right now I have a 3.0 and by the end of the semester, since I have some tougher classes I’m thinking I will have around the same gpa, hopefully higher. I didn’t think I had a great chance of getting in but I hate the college I’m at right now (university of north Texas) and I was really encouraged to apply anyways by my parents. What do you think my chances are at getting in for next year?</p>