Transfer to Texas A&M, and UT.

<p>So I'm thinking about transferring to A&M. It says "Transfer applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPR on at least 24 graded semester hours of transferable coursework at the time of application to be considered". So after this freshmen year of college I should have around a 3.2 - 3.5 GPA with 24 hours. What are the chances of getting in?</p>


<p>Also, how hard is it to get into The University Of Texas-at Austin? </p>

<p>(sorry if there was any bad grammar)</p>

<p>Damn i should of said Harvard or Princeton, maybe then i would gotten a reply back. lol.</p>

<p>Going to A&M would be an egregious mistake. I strongly advise you to go to UT instead (even though I’m trying to transfer out). UT has everything A&M has to offer and better - even a better football team.</p>

<p>Admission into UT is pretty difficult though, if you are out of state. You are competing against UT system students. My roommate says about 95% of UT transfers are from within the UT system. And if you want to get into the most selective schools (business, engineering, etc) at UT, then your application should be even more impressive.</p>

<p>Dang, you’re so right. I actually go to Texas Tech, but after realized i don’t want to be a slacker anymore I’m trying to get good grades, hopefully I’ll get into a good school ( imo UT and A&M are both good). </p>

<p>What if I transfer from Tech to A&M then to UT?</p>

<p>UTD UTA are both too close were I live. I’ve always known UT is a better school than A&M, but due to my low SAT scores and high school GPA I highly doubt UT will want me.</p>

<p>One question. What if I know the dean of undergraduate admission at SMU?</p>

<p>You should be able to get into most programs at A&M with a 3.2-3.5. The only programs that you might not be able to get into would be Business and Engineering.</p>

<p>For UT, you’re going to have a hard time transferring with only a 3.2-3.3, and a semidifficult time with a 3.4-3.5. With a 3.4-3.5, you have a decent shot at Natural Science and Liberal Arts, but no shot at Business, Communications and Engineering.</p>

<p>I wish you the best of luck. Everyone should have the ability to go somewhere where they are content.</p>

<p>I, too, am planning on transferring to one of these two schools. The only problem I have, however, with the admissions process is the fact that it states like you said, “Transfer applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPR on at least 24 graded semester hours of transferable coursework at the time of application to be considered”. So, does that mean that I must have 24 hours completed right now, or 24 hours completed after my freshman year? I really wouldn’t question how clear this statement is, but UT states specifically, “To be eligible to apply for transfer admission, you must have graduated from high school or earned a GED and have completed or be currently enrolled in the remaining coursework to earn at least 30 semester hours of transferable credit.” It states that you must have a minimum of 30 hours which includes the courses that you are enrolled in, but A&M is not clear on that particular aspect. In that case, I have 16 hours completed so far and will have another 16 hours completed after my spring semester. That is really my only concern with applying to A&M, but hopefully I am reading too much into it.</p>

<p>Texas A&M and UT will not admit transfer students who have an F on their transcript. Texas A&M and UT will not admit transfer students who have three W’s on their transcript.</p>

<p>@pds: I don’t know much about Texas A&M, but I know a fair amount about UT-Austin. I would recommend transferring after you have completed at least 30 credits in a variety of courses. While GPA is important, it is not the ultimate determinant. Colleges want to see that students challenge themselves and explore the breadth of course offerings at their current institution. Hope that helps.</p>

am not sure whether this thread is still active,
I am current a freshman at TT and looking for transfer to A&M or UT during Spring 2014, it will be helpful if someone can share some insight.
GPA so far : 4.0
course registered for : mechanical engg
SAT : 1530 (460,430,640)
SAT II : 640-phy, 620-maths II, 670-chem
scholarship : presidential entitled to instate tuition</p>


  1. is it a good idea to try for spring or should wait and try for transfer during fall after completing my sophomore
  2. do same state transfer students get any privilege ?
  3. my understanding is I will have to apply again for the scholarship, current scholarship is non-transferable, kindly confirm
  4. lastly what are the chances if I maintain my 4.0 GPA</p>

<p>Will UT Austin or A&M accept a transfer applicant with one “W” on their transcript?</p>

<p>Please use old threads for information only. Use the New Thread button to ask your question.</p>