
<p>How difficult is it to transfer to the McIntire school of UVA? What do they expect from a candidate? I am an international student currently attending Nova community college. I plan to transfer to UVA in 2007. I really need information and advice cuz I am confused a lot by overhearing so many sources. I am also very obssessed w/ UVA? Guyz, plz help me out. Thank in advance</p>

<p>Are you a freshman at Nova this year? Because if you are you won't be able to transfer directly into the Comm school in Fall 2007. The way it works is that once you are a student you can apply to the Comm school in the middle of your second year. Right now at Nova you should be taking economics and accounting courses to prepare. I think there is some information on the UVa admission website about this. What are you stats/activities like?</p>

<p>Yeb,I am a fresh man right now. According to your reply, I figured that ONLY current UVA students have the chance to get into the Comm school. Is that correct? I hope not. Currently,I am taking English, Speech, Physics & Lab and ITE. I will take the Econ. class for next semester and work it out for the Accounting class during summer. My GPA will be around 3.6-3.8 this semester and I will raise it up!! Last year I was an exchange student and I graduated from a small high school in Arkansas. My GPA is 3.85 for my senior year. The reason I didn't apply for any university cuz of my super slow SAT (1420/2400). I decided it would be a waste of money if I went to some common universities instead of NOVA and transfer out. NOVA is deadly cheaper. I am studying for the SAT and hope for a 1900. My TOEFL based on computer is 217 2 years ago so I'll definitely get it around 230-250. Also, I am a member of the Vietnamese Student Association in NOVA. I know my stat is not good enough but I'd rather aim high than staying w/ nothing. Oh, yeah, could you guyz tell me my chance of transfering to UNC if that's possible?</p>

<p>Can someone help me out here?</p>

<p>you can transfer directly into mcintire as a transfer.</p>

<p>check the website and make sure to take all the prerequisite courses or you will not be considered.</p>

<p>keep your GPA high (above 3.7) and you will have a legit shot</p>

<p>actually, jaw4527, if he/she is a freshman this year, he can NOT transfer directly into McIntire in the Fall of '07. Decisions on admission into the Comm school are not made until end of first semester second year. So he would have to transfer into the college and then apply for admission to McIntire like all the other students.</p>

<p>you are right. i misread the post. i thought he was applying as a 3rd year.</p>

<p>Applying as a second year you must apply into the college and apply directy to mcintire after your 2nd year</p>