<p>I got accepted into UCSD as a CS major (Muir college, if that matters) but I never finished my foreign language requirement. I have everything else completed except for that. This means that I won't have my IGETC completed by Spring 09.</p>
<p>Is it still possible for me to attend the school and somehow finish that requirement after I transfer?</p>
<p>Call UCSD, from what I know you cannot transfer unless you complete all of your coursework. Your acceptance will be denied if you do not have the IGETC complete. Call UCSD and maybe someone will grant you a wish come true. Good Luck! Hope the best</p>
<p>when i spoke with a advisor from ucsd you need all your igetc classes finished before trasnferring.</p>
<p>2 yrs of HS fulfills IGETC i think</p>
<p>I don’t have igetc finished and I was accepted. My boyfriend graduated from UCSD about a year ago and he didn’t have igetc finished before transferring either. You just have to take some extra classes once you get there. It would be cheaper to finish it at a CC though.</p>
<p>If it’s really needed, you CAN take an assessment test at UCSD to pass your language requirement, given that you do speak a foreign language. If you only speak English, then you’d better hope snickerdoodle is right.</p>
<p>Haha, yeah. Always verify anything I say with a counselor!
My boyfriend was just given a time frame within which he had to complete the GE requirements. I wouldn’t panic about it, but I would definitely double check with someone at UCSD to be sure.</p>
<p>You don’t NEED igetc to go, in fact, its not even recommended for engineering majors at UCSD…if you don’t have IGETC completed though, you just have to take all the college GEs at UCSD depending on your college</p>
<p>It’s NEEDED if you got in because of TAG.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the advice guys.</p>
<p>I called and I did have my “wish come true.” As the representative on the phone put it, I had just won the lottery.</p>
<p>Apparently I never should have been admitted in the first place because I never updated my Fall grades and I was accepted because of TAG which would’ve been nullified because of my incomplete IGETC. Long story short: lots of strings were pulled and I now have till summer to complete my foreign language req.</p>
<p>Woot! See you guys at UCSD next fall.</p>
<p>spanish is the most useful (at least here in CA) so i can order my food correctly</p>
<p>may i ask where you guys called? like what department? counseling? admission?</p>