Transferring to Geneseo

<p>Quick background on myself.
Graduated high school in 2009. Graduated in 2011 from a community college within the suny system with an associates degree (3.7gpa). I took a little over a year off after graduating to save up some money for tuition at my next school. I enrolled at a local 4 year university and finished the spring 2013 semester there. I hated commuter life, did not feel the school was a good fit, and desperately want to transfer in order to get the 'college experience.' I have some questions/concerns.</p>

<li><p>The typical, what are my chances?
I would be transferring for the Spring 2014 semester. 3.7 from both schools, tons of extracurricular, great recommendations (although they are dated from when i graduated community college), and I am confident i can explain how my time off helped me realize what I want to do with my life.</p></li>
<li><p>I would be enrolling as a junior but because of my time off be a little older than my potential roommates. I am 22, I imagine I would be dorming with other juniors who are 20. For some reason I have a fear that this age difference will be significant to other students and I could be an outcast or considered the 'old guy.' Am i completely blowing this out of proportion? Do I have anything to worry about there?</p></li>
<li><p>I have been a polysci major but want to switch gears and study adolescent education with the goal of becoming a high school social studies teacher. I have plenty of polysci credits but no education credits. How quickly would Geneseo get me into a classroom to student teach/observe?</p></li>
<li><p>I assume I would be placed in Nassau Hall transfer housing; I believe in a suite. Anyone live there and could share likes/dislikes about living in Nassau Hall or just on that side of campus.</p></li>
<li><p>General likes/dislikes about Suny Geneseo. I visited it once and noticed that there may not be a ton do off campus in terms of bars/restaurants. By no means do I want to go to a party school but how is the social life at Geneseo?</p></li>

<p>I know I asked some specific questions and some general ones. Any information on the school is greatly appreciated. Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m transferring to Geneseo this fall from Monroe Community College in Rochester,NY. I am 22 as well, but I will only have Junior status. Despite the fact that I have not attended Geneseo, I have gotten the inside scoop from some high school friends who have attended for a few years now. In regards to dorm life, I felt as though I am too old for that environment so I opted for an apartment complex known as “The Meadows”. The leasing agent at this complex (Bridget) was very accommodating, as she was able to match me up with guys who she thought I would get along with. I am Political Science major, not looking to get into teaching, but I am aware of the fact that at Geneseo you are able to receive an adolescent certification in social studies while still obtaining a Political Science Degree. In regards to the social life, I have heard that there are plenty of options for both people who party and people who keep it low key. There seems to be plenty of extracurricular activities for students who like to get involved and obtain leadership positions. I my not be the best resource because I am not at the school quite yet, but I would be more than willing to give you an inside scoop during my first semester (Fall 2013). If you have any more specific questions, feel free to direct message me.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your answer. First of all, congrats on getting accepted and deciding to transfer to Geneseo. Also, your mention of that apartment complex is interesting. I guess I never considered something like that but after a quick google search, it looks like a viable option (assuming I am admitted). Best of luck on your first semester, i may message you if I have any other questions.</p>

<p>My username says all</p>

<p>I’d rather take the chance with on campus dorms because I can pass for 21 and lie if i need to fit in. I’d rather try and integrate with the common student body than segregate myself to the off campus appartments where I will probably meet seniors who will be gone in a year or graduate students (all of which got their cliques and circles formed). I may be 25 when I enter somewhere fall 2014 but I sure don’t look or feel like I am 25 mentally since my same age friends all moved away and I’ve been in CC with peers younger than me who made my new circle, and of course starting late.</p>

<p>I just don’t think living off campus would give that college experience let alone the full networking capacity. Given my major I will be around for more than 2 years anyway so I am best off getting to know the freshmen and sophomores cause I will be seeing them throughout my time doing 2 majors.</p>

Geneseo has a pretty normal transfer rate for a public school which is a good amount unlike private schools. I wouldn’t worry about being the only old guy.</p>