
<p>the dorm, how is it? </p>

<p>Any transfers have experience living there?
What is the best dorm for a transfer student.... coming in as a sophmore.</p>

<p>Looking for a social dorm, one that has some sophmore students.</p>

<p>I think they put most transfers together in a dorm.</p>

<p>No they don't. There is a transfer house but you can choose any dorm (except the freshman only one). Tripp is mostly singles, across from the lakeshore carry-out food place- nice on lakeshore, but a walk from some things. I would go through the Res Halls info- on line and in the booklet- to see if certain dorms appeal to you more than others. All dorms will have many freshmen (they reserve half the spots in each so the most popular dorms don't fill with upperclassmen) since many go off campus after their first year, but there are also sophomores et al. If you have a chance to visit during a time classes are in session take time to check out the various areas to get a feel for them. You may try calling Res Halls to ask for more information regarding housing, where the upperclassmen choose, so you can make rankings based on this. My experience in talking to real people in their office has been good, it may be "midwestern friendliness" (you can stay anonymous, too, it won't affect any applications). You can e-mail questions, but that route may only get you generic info, sometimes back and forth conversation helps answer questions better. </p>

<p>Incoming freshmen- please do not inundate the Res Halls office with questions- most answers are in the website- just click multiple tabs.</p>

<p>are there a lot of sophmores in private housing, or not really?</p>

<p>I think the difference between having a transfer house and designating a dorm for most transfers is more semantic than real. I would guess that most transfers would prefer NOT being stuck with mostly freshman. Thus I would think most would opt into the designated transfer dorm. </p>

<p>Yes, the vast majority of soph students elect to live off campus. I would guess 80% or more.</p>

<p>sorry not private housing, but the private dorms.</p>

<p>I think more private dorm kids might stay for a second year. I'd just call them and ask. They have lots more private rooms so kids tend to stay longer. They are also building an awesome new apartment building basically on campus that will open next year.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>