USC Trojan Transfer Plan Class of 2025

Just wanted to make this thread and see who got this program and what info we can all collect as a coalition. I’m very confused overall and who knows maybe we can get to know each other (maybe as hopeful Trojans)!


hey! i got the ttp program too!

I got the invite too

I got the invite as well! Bummer.

I wonder how the schedule works. For the most of 4 yr college, you have to make ur decision by May 1. But counseling for TTP is scheduled in mid May? So it leaves only community college or abroad left for choice for freshman year?

You can accept another admission offer, AND accept the TTP. If you get into USC after taking the classes that they suggest (and getting the necessary GPA), then you would leave your college after 2-3 semesters and transfer to USC. USC doesn’t advocate taking a spot at a four year, but it’s up to you.

Thanks! My D accepted to UBC Okanagan, and other schools. Is Canadian school ok to transfer from?

Hi I’m sorry I know this isn’t for appeal, but do any of you know if appeals are on a first come first serve basis? USC is my absolute dream school and i’m devastated i didn’t get in. i believe i have a strong chance of getting in through appeal and i need more information

How does financial aid come to play? Will we get any kind of idea if student accepts the TTP how much aid they’ll get? I mean, if we know up front and it’s not a lot, then Kids can choose a 4 year instead of CC the first year.

Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to your question. I would definitely ask a USC Advisor, since its critical to be certain.

Wait, if they don’t recommend a 4 year college, do they suggest community college and then a transfer to USC? Also, if you go along with what they say, is it garunteed admission?

Thank you. I know you can “almost” automatically transfer to USC “if” GPA is >3.6, but for just in case, you want to have an option to stay in that university you originally selected to stay only for freshman year. Idk maybe going to CC will more motivate you for transfer option.

Question: Would USC consider a formal Gap year that includes intensive volunteer program or does it have to be a college with classes?

Also, do they allow deferrals? A friend of ours said USC deferred a ton of kids last year due to Covid as well as a lot of the applications for 2025 were from kids who decided NOT to apply last year due to Covid & reapplied this year.
Does anyone know if this is accurate?

I think if you were to do a Gap year, you would still need to do an additonal year of college afterwards since you specifically need to reapply as a transfer student, and you need to currently be in a college in order to apply as a transfer, but I’m not 100% sure. It kinda sucks, they’re basically making us evaluate a very large decision that will make an impact in our lives, but they fail to include a offical website page describing the TTP in intricate detail. It’s too bad we have to wait until June to exactly know what the program is about, given we would already have our Fall plans in place.

it does not kinda suck, it sucks. While I believe things unfold to reveal even better options & better pathways, in the end, the navigation of making these more difficult when there are “gaps” in the information &/or timeliness of the decisions. One friend indicated it is a way to control the students to stay away from committing to another 4-year university or college, which could mean they lose this student forever. Perhaps it has come to the point where no student is worth the fight. One 90-year-old grad just told us that today’s school does not resemble the school that USC has been known for. Fewer & less well-rounded students are coming in & the school has become a bit of a “meat mincing factory” of brilliant kids. Not necessarily building that “Trojan Family” for the future. Legacy donations are down, too, unless they have other related families or kids to get into the school. One article I recently read said if they admitted all legacy applicants each year, they would fill three classes & still have leftover students they would have to deny. Pretty disappointing.

TTP students are not USC students. So there is no financial aid from USC. Aid would come from the school the TTP student is attending. The only affiliation with USC during the TTP year is access to an admissions counselor who will help you choose classes that meet the requirements for transferring to USC.

As far as the 4 year or CC decision. USC can’t be seen to be encouraging taking a spot in a four year program and denying another student that spot when your intention is to transfer after one year. So they explicitly discourage it. But it won’t count against you in your transfer application.

If there is a school you got into that you think you’d want to study at for four years but are not sure, then doing TTP would make sense. But if you are in a four year degree program you might not have the freedom to schedule the classes USC wants you to take.

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Is it guaranteed though?

Do we have to take GESM courses at whatever college we would attend? What would we know what GE counts as a GESM?

Also my TTP applies for dornsife where a foreign language is required, but I already know a foreign language, so how would I be able to waive that when I’m at another college?