Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

This is what my daughter told me - she went on AUP website to sign up (where to click, etc. I am not quite sure), then Tim at AUP reached out to her since he is in the States this week. Together, they arranged the meeting which we drove up to USC to meet up with him on Saturday.

We were told that USC already shared my daughter’s application, essays, HS grades etc. to him. I was actually pleasantly surprised that he went that far. After reviewing her USC application, he was confident that she would do well abroad.

My daughter applied to Viterbi for CS as freshman and would continue to do so as a transfer, AUP seems to fit as it has more CS classes. Tim is having his colleague to create a class schedule for her that fits what Viterbi requires. He seems to know what needs to be done.

I’ll share our experience with AUP regardless we are going through with it or not.

Do you know any student in the TTP program at AUP that is working on applying to Viterbi?


Thank you for all this information. It is extremely helpful.

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Turned out, my daughter did get an email from USC on Mar 28th - she is invited to participate in Viterbi Pathways Program. She didn’t see it until now. With this, she is determined to get herself to USC.

For your reference -

Subject: Welcome to the USC Viterbi Pathways Program

Hi < – >,

Welcome to the Viterbi Pathways Program! This is an invitation-only, transfer admission program designed to provide you with personalized guidance to become a competitive transfer applicant for the Viterbi School of Engineering. I encourage you to read more about this unique opportunity on our website:

You were selected to participate in this program due to your excellent academic record and personal accomplishments we learned about through your recent application to USC. You have the potential to be a successful transfer student. The program will include hands-on transfer advisement from our Viterbi admission counselors beginning this May. While you do not have to commit to anything at this time, I want you to keep the following things in mind as you consider joining the Viterbi Pathways Program. There is no rush to figure this out now, I want you to focus on all the other college-related decisions you have to make before the end of April.



No, regardless of whether you attend and institution abroad or a local college the GPA requirement is 3.6. There are some kids however that have been extended guaranteed admission.

Hello CADREAMIN. I’d like to delete a person’s full name in my previous post - it is on From prompt. However, I would need a moderator to remove it for me? By any chance, are you the thread moderator?

Many thanks!

I took care of it. :). Good idea.

Ohh CADREAMIN, you are wonderful! Thank you! :slight_smile:

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I also removed date and time.

Besides EN2020 do you know of any other pre req’s, specifically for Dornsife and a foriegn langauge?

Any chance a new TTP gets in on appeal w/ 5 of the 7 GE completed? Her sister is also a current transfer applicant waiting to hear. I heard approved appeals get deferred to Spring.

My son received TTP offer last year in his rejection letter. Looks like they made a few changes to the wording.

XXX, this decision was especially difficult for us given your ties to the Trojan Family. Your eventual enrollment at USC is of great interest to us, so I invite you to consider a Trojan Transfer planning meeting, which will assist you in gaining admission to USC as a transfer student within the next two or three semesters. We have set aside time during the month of June for you to meet with a member of our admission staff to learn how to maximize your chances of admission for a future term.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please visit your USC applicant portal ( in early May to schedule an appointment. I hope you will consider this option. In the meantime, please review the enclosed information for answers to common questions about our review process.

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Hey everyone,

Is the trojan transfer plan still a thing this year (guaranteed transfer if u fulfill a bunch of requirements)? I was rejected from USC for first year admission, but sent in an appeal. Am I still in consideration for the TTP and can I receive an invitation to the TTP through my appeal decision?


My son rejected for usc Fall '22 as a double legacy with great resume like most (humbling) and appealed as well. Not expecting much luck as appeals historically 1-2% reversal we were told.

Just concerned The rejection letter this year was crafted without the TTP reference, last year where my nephew’s rejection letter specifically states TTP and “your eventual enrollment” language taken out this year due to i imagine more scrutiny. Idk
The letter outlined options as a transfer student. Anyone can confirm if there are two letters TTP and mere rejection letter with same outline transfer options?

The was some discussion of the TTP in the “USC Class of 2026 - Regular Decision” thread about 12-14 days ago. TTP was offered to certain students. I don’t believe there was a discussion about whether this option might be offered on appeal, but there are USC parents and alum in that group that might be able to tell you if you post your circumstances there.

I believe if your son was offered to attend a Trojan Transfer information session and received a follow-up email then that’s the current version of TTP. The language has definitely changed. Best of luck to you and your son.

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thx. still tough agreeing with most sentiments in forums that these hyper-competitive years, definitely feels at times the luck is random and lotto-like with USC selecting some qualified kids out of a hat! USC mentions that transfer is not a guarantee…if you hit the sticking points for transfer requirements, would USC not accept you?

A few answers/info/opinions to multiple questions above

Yes, it is still TTP. If it mentions signing up for info session in June it is the Trojan Transfer Plan. It is not guaranteed. Yes, they should admit you if you hit the marks, but again it is not guaranteed. If the last couple years taught us anything, it is to be prepared for the unexpected. Scandals, pandemics - things affect college numbers and planning. But there are also things that can affect a kids ability to eventually transfer - they can have all kinds of things happen freshman year - an illness like mono, mental health challenges, bf/gf issues and other things that effect grades- and there goes the TTP gpa needed to transfer and student is now in limbo land looking for a school. So if you choose TTP, you should a plan if you are not accepted as a sophomore.

As a friend put it that is a college counselor (and frankly not a fan of TTP), the TTP students are 4th in line behind merit admits, regular admits and spring admits. She thinks it a numbers game USC plays and endorses the go where you are loved approach.

But TTP could be a good plan if -
-going to a junior college fits in your plans anyway (financial or otherwise)
-all you ever wanted to do is graduate from USC, and you don’t care how, just that you do
-you want to study abroad as a freshman

If you have another 4 year school that you want to attend, then just say see ya later USC. Or say see ya later USC but use TTP as back up plan.

Keep in mind you can definitely attend a four year, USC implies someone can’t/shouldn’t because they (USC) can’t publically encourage someone to commit to a four year with intention of transferring - bad PR with other other colleges. So it’s a bit of game playing there (not a fan of making people bend to fit them, but I guess they have the power here). But it’s always hard to commit to something fully with a backup plan in hand - don’t let TTP hold you hostage - invest time and energy in the school you attend if a four year.

You have to apply again, do the common app again, then wait to hear if accepted from later April to June. Some TTPs hear ealier than others, I know some that found out in late March, but that was a few years ago - transfer notifications have trended later last few years and certainly during covid with the uncertainty of their yield.


Yes it is! But I think the “guaranteed” transfer is becoming less guaranteed, some people last year who were TTP and met the requirements had their transfer rejected.

@CADREAMIN I have a strange situation as a TTP student and I’m hoping you or anyone else in this thread can add some insight.

I’m currently completing my TTP freshman year and am waiting to hear back about my application to Viterbi. I have met the GPA minimum with a ~3.8, and completed all the required classes to transfer into Viterbi (math, reading, science, etc). Unfortunately, I tried taking Calc II in the fall and had to withdraw due to some Covid related issues, so I retook Calc II and added Calc I simultaneously in the spring semester to still meet the Viterbi admission requirements of 2 upper-level math classes. I already have credit for Calc I from high school AP credit, but I made the judgement call that taking both Calc II + Calc III simultaneously would put my GPA in danger.

My counselor has since emailed me stating "Technically, taking Calc I & II simultaneously will satisfy our minimum admission requirements, but you may ultimately not be competitive for admission in this case. "

In the context of applying as a TTP student, where the de facto guarantee is admission when the minimum requirements are met, I’m not sure how seriously to take this email. My counselor knows I am TTP. The message can definitely be read between the lines to say “fat chance at getting in”. It could also just be the obligatory warning that comes with all TTP meetings just to cover for USC as a “we warned you”, and my chances are still just as good as any other TTP student.

Do you have any thoughts on this? It has definitely been weighing on me. I received an SGR from USC last week. Any thoughts at all are super appreciated. Thank you so much.