Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

I have a question about the restrictiveness of the TTP.

Currently, I am a TTP student finishing my 1st year of CC. I have my classes refined to where when I finish all of my required GE’s I would still need credits to reach the 30 credits minimum. I currently have 27 credits and wrote to my representative about my plans to take a course this summer to make up the extra 3 credits. I have a GPA currently of 3.8 and I was wondering if this fact lessens my chances of attending significantly. Thank you!

This is so informative and a great reminder of key points! Value yourself and your accomplishments, have a plan, and expect the unexpected of course! Thank you for taking the time to lay out a clear, concise fashion of all my earlier questions and concerns. Yes,TTP is not a guarantee! Agreed, Students should fully consider their options especially when another comparable great education at a four-year extended an offer.

FIGHT ON! Is the perfect tone and aspiration! Keep close to your goals and dont give up!


That’s an interesting reply, but you did get an SGR which I take as a good sign and that your chances are still as good as any TTP applicant. I’m not sure if that competitive comment was just a power play from an advisor with attitude (and they exist, some are helpful and frankly, some are a bit arrogant) or a legitimate concern.

The one thing is that TTPs are still competiting with others for a spot, so if another applicant comes in with Calc 2 and 3 comes in a limited spot situation (which is always) then other parts of the application have to make up for that. The good news is, you shouldn’t expect a rejection in May as they have requested your spring grades. Hopefully that comment was just the advisor covering their bases, but it ends up being unnecessary when you get accepted. Best of luck, let us know what happens!

Has the advisor responded yet? Is it an important major course or another GE you need? I think it’s really important for you to convey that USC is where you want to be and you are doing all you can to get there. Like above, if only a certain number of spots for your major, and someone else has met all the requirements and you haven’t, it coud be a disadvantage. I think communicating with your advisor is key, I hope they are responsive and you get good news!

Currently they haven’t responded. I sent them an email about my plans to enroll in another course 13 days ago however they haven’t gotten back to me yet. The class is just a course in Poli Sci because I like the subject and it is only to be able to get to 30 units; It doesn’t relate to the GE requirement at all. My Rep told me at the beginning of the year to leave 2 GE’s for USC so currently I have finished or am in progress of the GE’s I need to be able to attend.

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TTP DS just received an admission letter to USC/Marshall. Attending community college with 15 units last semester and 16 units currently. Good luck to you all.


Nevermind! USC just offered me admission right now! Thank you everyone in this forum. The information you guys have provided has helped me so much to get me where I am today.


Omg that is great news! Congrats!!!

Hello everyone, I’ve been hearing rumors that TTP is becoming less guaranteed. I applied for the upcoming fall as a business major. During high school, I dual-enrolled in college courses — I was told that 16 units of the credits earned before graduation would transfer over. Upon transferring, I’ll have two GE requirements to fulfill, which must be taken at USC anyway. Since I took the first English composition class in my senior year of high school, I took the second one last fall. I also finished the math requirement for Marshall the previous fall. In addition, I took the first part of the accounting sequence the previous fall, and I’m currently doing the second part — mind you, they are recommended on the transfer brochure, not required. Overall, my cumulative GPA, including everything I completed, is 4.0. I got a recommendation letter from my English professor, which I assume is stellar since she asked me to be her TA. However, I received an SGR, along with most of the other TTPers in the group chat — it’s very unusual from everything I’ve read. So, do you believe that TTP holds less weight in the transfer admissions process?


I was accepted into the TTP program last year through my appeal letter. I was flat-out rejected at first. Hope this helps!

Hi! My sibling was offered TTP because I’m a current Trojan. However, due to health issues, he was unable to fulfill the GPA requirement at a 4-year university during his freshman year. He ended up didn’t apply for his sophomore year transfer, but wishes to give USC another shot. Will the TTP still apply for his junior year transfer? Any tips on increasing his chance of getting into USC as well as recover his GPA?


Got in Marshall today as TTP!!! So happy


Congrats! You will loooooove it! Welcome to the Trojan Family! :v:

thank you!!! so excited i’m just so happy. I did TTP Rome. So worth it :slight_smile: would do it 100000 times over again

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Did all your abroad pals get in as well? Bet you made some great friends already!!! And bravo to you for being so gutsy to do something like Rome as a freshman. Not everyone could/would want to do it. Not talking financially, meaning more emotionally mature enough to handle (same for some parents!). Good for you!

From what I’ve seen, everyone in Rome got accepted! I’m not sure about Paris since it was the bigger program, but the majority of my friends in Paris also got accepted too :slight_smile: Thank you so much!! It was definitely scary and a shot in the dark, but it was so worth it and the travel opportunities and the adventures I had in Italy are so unforgettable. Made so many amazing friends

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One more question if I may, did you all have to wait for today or did some get in earlier? Good to know for next year. Thanks!

I am aware of a few AUP TTP students who heard in April, but I do think most received SGRs. (I have not heard of any who were not accepted.)

Sure! In the case of TTP Rome, everyone got SGR in April, and I have not heard of one person from our group of 20 that was not accepted yesterday.


hi all!! i’m TTP and found out two days ago i got in for film and tv production! so excited.

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