Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

American University Paris- info session April 11th

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If you are an engineering applicant that got Trojan Transfer and are considering study abroad, please verify that the courses you need to successfully transfer in are offered at the school you are considering. It is not just GEs required that first year for engineering, and at one point Viterbi put out something discouraging the study abroad option for engineering transfer applicants. I’m not sure if this still holds true and applies to all abroad options, but it was an issue in recent years. Course selection and grades are critical for a successful transfer into engineering. So be sure to ask about this at your info session if considering that route.


It says 3.7 but it used to be 3.3 and AUP is harder than community college only because the pressure kids put on themselves. By Spring kids let loose and travel more.

@CADREAMIN You seem to know a lot about TTP. How/where did you find all of this information, and were you a previous transfer?

Also I’m just curious about the logistics and reasoning behind the program. What’s the incentive for USC to create transfer programs like TTP, VPP, and MPP? And what is their criteria for choosing the students for the program?

I know some people get it automatically because of legacy but some of my friends got it without legacy, so I’m not sure how they’re selecting students.

Many TTP declined UCLA, CAL and NYU last year. No harm in just deferring acceptances for a semester or 2 if you want to accept TTP!

Who are these many? Do you know them personally?

Why not go to the good school and still do TTP? You are not restricted to cc or abroad.

Does anyone know if going to a UC and then transferring after 1 year with TTP would be a mistake? I know USC discourages it, but couldn’t tell if it was just something they cant openly encourage or if it actually actively hurts chances.

I’ve read that courses don’t transfer as cleanly so it might be tricky to go to UCLA/CAL and try to transfer…with that being said I would choose those schools over USC personally so I wouldn’t be upset not transferring…

The incentive is that it makes USC admit rate look better than it is. USC historically takes a lot of transfers for this reason IIRC

You nailed it. Many do. They just can’t publicly encourage it or other colleges would have a big problem with them. You have no disadvantage going to a four year, UC included.

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Agree, I would not give up another stellar 4 year for a chance at a transfer that isn’t guaranteed.

In this case, i’d just use it as a backup plan.

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Yup exactly. To clarify my previous comment, by admit rate looking “better”, I mean it makes USC look more selective since they keep the %s lower for acceptance.


I’m not sure but I think the issue might be that most UCs (and SLO) are on the quarter system. Cal and Merced are on the semester system so transferring classes might be easier. :woman_shrugging:

I don’t sweat the numbers at any schools, once you are above 15% it’s just selective.

Actually the courses do transfer pretty easily from most schools even the quarter schools. USC has articulation agreements with all the UCs. Easy to matchy matchy them. Several TTPs have come from UCLA in recent years - we see them on the transfer thread.

If there’s not an articulation agreement with a four year then there is just a little more work on students part to compare classes. But frankly, for the most part, colleges tend to offer a lot of the same stuff.


I would say one benefit of doing the Abroad program that might be invaluable is that you are able to make friends there + transfer w/them to USC. Going to a 4 year most likely means you’d be transferring to USC without knowing many people which is a little scary IMHO.


Ya totally agree with that. I just wouldn’t change plans totally, like give up a great 4 year to attend a cc, or go abroad because I think it would make USC like me more. ha. But if abroad or a cc is what someone wants to do that is another story!

And coming in with friends is a big deal so abroad is appealing that way. But if someone gives up a four year and freshman year goes sideways (gets mono, meets a girl/guy or for whatever reason) and doesn’t make the grades or get the classes done - then TTP is toast and it’s starting a whole new plan.

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My daughter was in the same situation and was accepted into a 4 year state school. She wanted a college experience and ultimately decided to study abroad in London. I know that students have been able to transfer from the UCs but I am not sure if USC is moving toward wanting student to attend community college or study aboard. The FAQ letter addressed the 4 year college question. My daughter followed with a conversation with her counselor and he told her that if it came down to 2 students they would pick a study aboard student or community college student over a 4 year college student. Having said that I would take this with a grain of salt since I am not sure of his motivation. This biggest factor for my daughter was that UC and state schools don’t have an official articulation agreement. They use articulation history and base it on that. More importantly, the equivalent English class USC required was not available at the state school during the fall semester. That made the decision easy for her.

C. What about other four-year colleges or universities?
We do not recommend this option for a few reasons. First and foremost, we are unlikely to be able to help you find courses that will satisfy USC admission expectations. Also, your success in higher education depends on your level of engagement; if you enter with the intent of leaving, you will be less likely to be successful. You may even put yourself in a position of making a promise you intend to break.

As for friends, it is uber important to all the kids so it is something to consider. It would make it harder to leave a 4 year if you developed close relationships, which isn’t a bad thing. For study aboard, the idea was that there would be the same friends coming back. For my daughter, most of the students going back to USC were spring admits so those friends will be gone after one sememster. She was a bit concerned about having to make new friends but made new friends without any issues.

Every student will have different factors to consider and this is just our journey, so just make sure you ask questions specific to your 4 year college.

It goes without saying that she is having the time of her life and have traveled to over 8 countries which is more in the few months than I would ever in my lifetime. She has no regrets and would do it all over again.

Good luck with your decisions and enjoy the process!

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I personally know someone who went to Uc Davis & transferred as a sophomore fall 2021

Yes I personally know that most of the current TTP abroad turned down top colleges. Since students have to commit by spring deadlines, my son deferred UC Davis while waiting on appeals from USC & UCSB for fall 2021. UCSB said be fulltime somewhere in fall & maintain 3.0 & we will admit you to winter quarter, which is what he did.