Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Top school is relative. I think abroad/TTP is great for some, but if you have a truly top school (UCLA/UCB/UMich/WashU - those actually comparable to USC) that you are just as happy attending as USC, you need to really think about giving that up (to do cc or abroad) on something that is not guaranteed. Those students are just not a priority for USC. I have had too many conversations from students not accepted for various reasons and it’s not pretty. I’d be doing a disservice if I painted it all unicorns and rainbows. Applicants should know all the sides of the decision. But if their mindset is “USC or bust” then they should do anything they can to get there.


Yes I spoke to a few TTP students who went to 4 year schools and met all requirements were rejected. I also know TTP students who went abroad and did not meet GPA requirements and were accepted. I went abroad and met requirements and was admitted for spring.

I second all that was said by wongster12. My daughter is currently in Rome on TTP and absolutely loves it and has made the tightest group of fellow TTP friends. They travel most weekends and explore the city together when in Rome (and all live together too). Frankly, she doesn’t want to come home! And the cost has been less than 1/2 of the cost of a year at USC, even with the travel (hostels, food, trains, even flights are quite affordable).

If this all works out the way it is supposed to work out, it will have been a better option for her than the standard Freshman year experience on many levels. Even more so since the gen ed classes at USC are usually not very interesting (the good ones get taken in a flash) and can be hard on the gpa too (this is the experience my older daughter had). My TTP daughter has knocked out all the gen ed in Rome with amazing classes, many with weekly field trips to historic sites. And the articulation agreements do have a long list of authorized classes that transfer and hit the various USC gen ed requirements.

When deciding to go for TTP. she received strong messages that TTP students enrolled at CC and study abroad do get priority over TTP kids at 4 year colleges. I am not sure that is true for non-TTP kids at 4-year schools, however. I think USC has made it clear to TTP kids: don’t take a spot at a 4-year intending to transfer out.

In terms of mitigating risk, there is no easy way - we looked at all options, including deferring other 4-year acceptances. She was accepted at all other 4-year to which she applied, some with scholarships, so it was a difficult decision to give them all up -some were great schools too! At the school she was most interested in (if not USC), to defer you had to certify that you would be taking fewer than 15 credits per semester if enrolled in any college classes and had to explain why you were deferring and what your plan was. It was not possible to apply for the deferral without lying, or even to take fewer than the 15 credits and still have standing to transfer in to USC or any other 4-year as a Sophomore. In the end, she decided she wanted to be all-in on USC. One can only hope that USC recognizes that the kids who enroll in CC and study abroad are all in - with no other certain options should USC not work out - the hope is that they reward that devotion and the track record has been that they, in fact, have done so.

It certainly is a risk since there are no guarantees from USC (not to mention you might not get the gpa or could find yourself in trouble) so what Cadreamin says is also true, but for the kids who are 100% devoted to USC, it seems a great option. We’ll know soon if this all works out the way it should. . . Right now she has made the gpa and appears to be in line to make it again second semester. Must also stay out of trouble as that can jeopardize things too (which she has).

The above is mostly anecdotal, but thought I would weigh in with our experience. Last, she has applied to other 4-years as a transfer student to mitigate risk. We are waiting to hear back from most of those, but have one acceptance elsewhere so pressure is off and she would happy to go there should we need a Plan B. Best of luck to all!


Posted in wrong place.

Usc articulation agreements with California community colleges.

Very helpful and great tips to strategize. What is your daughter’s major?

Why did your daughter choose Rome out of curiosity? Versus Paris, London, etc

How many candidates have been offered this TTP plan? Does this also apply to Viterbi engineering?


Does anyone know if it’s especially more difficult to pick Viterbi after TTP? Sister was originally applying to Annenberg

Do you know if TTP can work out if one is going to attend Cal Poly SLO for CS? Also if S23 is NMF, does the half tuition still apply with TTP? Also, Will the transfer be done to CSCI at the Viterbi School of Engineering (first choice major)?

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Honestly, that’s kind of a bummer to hear. My son’s friend is waitlisted CP SLO CS so this takes a spot that won’t ultimately be fully utilized. Obviously well within your right to do but I think it’s why USC discourages it.


I don’t know of any engineering TTP as I heard they have a different pathway. Many Marshall & SCA tho you have to put 1st & 2nd choice which check back in may to confirm who got what. I heard once in you can apply to change majors per usc Reddit.

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It is but it is also why SLO has space for transfer students. Students leave for a variety of reasons.


There are definitely engineering TTP, it’s just not Viterbi pathways. They are on the transfer thread every year.

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Hi. Can you explain the difference between TPP and Viterbi pathway? My daughter was offered VPP and I have been trying to find information about it.

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Sorry for slow response wanted to look up articulation with CP. Yes, he can do TTP from there and this shows the classes that transfer in to meet requirements.

Enter CSU San Luis Obispo and Fall 2023 to see the corresponding classes.

Unfortunately the NMF is only available for incoming freshman as most of the big scholarships are. :frowning: They do have 40 1/4 scholarships for transfers.

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I’m trying to set realistic expectations for non-need-based financial aid for my daughter who is considering the TTP option. We did the FAFSA, but don’t qualify for need-based aid. The merit awards offered at other private schools (not USC) have been minimal. The all-in cost of USC is out of reach without meaningful aid (we are trying not to go overboard with loans). One hears that USC is generous with aid and that most students receive aid, but I’m not clear on whether that applies to merit/non-need-based aid. It’s confusing. Coming in as a sophomore rather than a freshman could also impact availability of merit aid, I’m assuming? Do past TTP participants have insights regarding whether merit aid is available to sophomore transfers and, if so, whether it is significant or if, instead, those students pay close to the full cost of tuition? It’s just hard to know what is reasonable to expect. Any insights would be welcome.


Gonna keep it real here - the only merit based aid is 40 transfer scholarships for 1/4 tuition. And those will most likely go to non-TTP students - those they want to reward or entice to come. Frankly, as a TTP student, there is zippo playing hard to get (they know you want to be there) leaving you in a non-negotiating position. So need based aid would be the only thing available for a TTP, the chance of merit based is pretty close to zero from USC. It could happen I suppose (they are in charge), but even just 40 scholarships is very slim for 2300+ admits.

You will find that the big scholarships from colleges are only given out freshman year. Your student can take out Stafford loans of $27K ($5500 for Freshman, $6500 Sophomore and $7500 Junior/Senior year) for the 4 years. Those are in student’s name, not parents, then they have skin in the game and helps establish credit. Not a big dent, but a little ding maybe.