Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Yesterday, I got my TTP email, is it something that every student that has been rejected gets? Another question, I will be doing my freshman year at Rochester Institute of Technology, so can I transfer to USC from RIT?
and will TTP tell me the exact requirements need for my major for transferring?

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My son was offered TTP and is considering European campuses. Can he do a European campus first semester and then go to a Community College in California for the second semester?

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I’ve heard some people getting rejected from USC under the TTP plan even if they meet the transfer requirements and have a 3.7+ GPA (though very rare). Does anyone know what reasons USC has to reject these people?

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Space and someone else has better stats and is more attractive as an applicant. It is not guaranteed, thus the risk.


Would going to an out of state school for my first year instead of a California CC change my changes in getting accepted through the Trojan Transfer Plan?



Well, it’s actually the Viterbi Pathways Programs, so it’s like TTP, but engineering specific


Would going to an out of state school for my first year instead of a California CC change my changes in getting accepted through the Trojan Transfer Plan?


Hi, from what I’ve heard and read, you will receive less priority than someone who attended CC / study abroad. USC has articulation agreements with all CCs in California so your credits will almost transfer with no problems from CC. However, credits from other four-year institutions will transfer with more friction.

Also, not sure how accurate this is, but there was someone who said that USC doesn’t prioritize four-year institutions because even if the applicant got rejected from USC, they can still continue their studies in their respective college compared to CC / study abroad where they don’t exactly have something to fall back on.

Of course, if you choose to attend a state college, USC will try their best to make room for you but from what I’ve read, your application just won’t have priority. Just something to consider…

I have read about kids having done exactly this on the TTP parents FB page. A ton of good info there, definitely check it out.

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Yes, absolutely, you don’t have to go abroad for the entire year.

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The UCs have articulation agreements with USC, as do many four year schools - the classes offered are really the same classes at most schools so with a little research you can find the comparables. Physics, math, GEs that fit the profile, acctg for business folks, business math, etc.

You can def go to an out of state 4 year - it is all about the gpa and classes you take. What you don’t want to do is go abroad if an engineering student, the classes are not equivalent/offered in a lot of cases there and I wouldn’t risk that.

If you’ve followed the transfer thread for years, you see kids coming in from all kinds of 4 years.

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I am really stressed trying to figure out the best country for me to study abroad. What is the most popular country amongst TTP students to study? I initially applied for dornsife am I allowed to apply for another school when I get the trojan transfer plan?

Check out the USC Trojan Transfer Plan TTP Families Face Book page. There is a ton of good info about the different programs and all the steps you need to take to make it happen (getting student visa is time consuming). There are also some Zoom meetings coming up in the next couple of weeks with a couple of the Universities abroad. The most popular programs seem to be American University in Paris and John Cabot in Rome.

And I believe you can apply to another school - I think there is a place to indicate intended major when you let USC know you are interested in TTP (on portal I think). I don’t know whether changing your major hurts your transfer chances in any way. I wouldn’t think so but I don’t know.

Paris is closest to a campus. Champs housing is best but you have to be online the second it opens to get it.

Hi all - my sister got into Berkeley but she wants to keep the TTP plan as an option since she is worried about the culture/stress at Cal.

She would be interested in Business so she would also likely be taking some pre-HAAS courses at Berkeley.

Is this feasible?


What is her major? I have a feeling that business classes will be difficult for freshman to enroll in at Cal.

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She’s in L&S. I think every pre-HAAS student has to take business classes to get in. There is no business major until year 3.

UGBA 10 is the only business pre-req.

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It will help if she gets math knocked out in fall (Calc I or Bus math equivalent). Take writing equiv to USC 140. Follow the transfer guide for Marshall best she can. But don’t stress everything - at a school like Cal, she will get “some points” coming in with a good gpa - most academic classes at four years do transfer. Math in the fall rather than spring really helps. But have her enjoy Cal and not be half in half out. Commit and give it a go that first semester, then apply by transfer deadline. Do the June meeting. Good luck!

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I can see that. It’s hard not to want to hedge one’s bet if TPP isn’t guaranteed. Especially, for such a hard major to get into.

Great advice, thank you! I think Cal is a great school, but she’s going into college with a lot of self-doubt so hopefully just a mentality shift will help.