Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Yes @Pinkeydance that is a different beast for sure. @WWWard is the expert on this one as his daughter was admitted undecided I believe, then transferred into SCA. I think he will jump in here, this new site is throwing off us old-timers a bit (at least it is me), I know it has slowed me down, but trying to be responsive. :slight_smile: It’s the second big change in year this site has done! Is the friend a TTP acceptance or transfer?

Yes @Pinkeydance, SCA is quite different and one of the most competitive of all USC schools. But, it does seem to be considerably easier to internally transfer into SCA while already attending USC versus applying as a high school senior or as an external transfer. As mentioned, my younger daughter was admitted undecided in 2017 but then applied for an internal transfer into SCA during July before even beginning her freshman year. She was admitted in October and started in SCA her spring semester that year. So, in her case, she was unaffected and even still took a couple SCA classes that first fall semester.

In terms of SCA, persistence certainly can pay off. The film director Bryan Singer famously had to apply three times to get in. He was first turned down by both USC and SCA. He later transferred into USC but was again turned down by SCA. And then on the third effort, he got into SCA as an internal transfer. The rules and requirements vary depending on the major within SCA, but it clearly works.

Yes… I agree with @CADREAMIN, this new site is throwing me off as well. I frankly find it atrocious. CC was far better in terms of design and functionality back in 2013 when I first joined. I could not dislike it all more now. Oh well… no one asked for my opinion… lol. I just will likely use it less and less - unfortunately.

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Yes he is a TTP student

@WWWard Thank you so much for the information. I will tell my friend.

@Pinkeydance You’re welcome

@CADREAMIN Hello, does anyone know if it’s good to have a letter of recommendation? I know it’s optional according to the website, but will it make my application look bad if I don’t include one? Thanks in advance!

Welcome @Watermelonapple!

My son included LORs in all of his applications (University, SCA, then Production transfer). Each were different letters, written by people germane to the app submitted. The letters seemed to have helped.

If you include LOR, make sure they’re detailed (as opposed to generic) and relative to the field of interest.

Also, I don’t really know what to include in my extra curriculars either because of the pandemic. Really didn’t do anything ever since the pandemic started :frowning: Will not having a letter of rec and no EC look bad? I have a 4.0 GPA though. Not sure if that will make it better.

@romns116 Thanks! I’ve been doing online learning (asynchronously) and none of my teachers really know me. I don’t even know what to provide them for a good letter of rec.

Hello! Would appreciate some advice/opinions here.
My younger brother is currently finishing up his 1st semester at SMC after choosing to do TTP last spring. (for context I am currently a senior at USC after being a spring admit, and my father graduated in '90 so we knew about TTP)

As the semester is coming to a close, he is teetering with his grades and may not be able to get to a 3.6 this semester.
I want to know if this is cause for concern for his acceptance, or if maybe since online school sucks the admissions office may be feeling nicer about the requirement? I know he has another semester to go, but he is very stressed and the thought of him possibly being rejected again may send him into a spiral.

So far he has two As, and two Bs (which are like 89s, not sure why SMC does not do pluses but oh well) grades are due Jan 4.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far, really appreciate any advice.

@sammyg579 He really should be fine as long as the gpa doesn’t dip, it is not a hard and fast rule. This has been a whacky year for everyone, so I would expect some slack in places. I would suggest he reach out to his advisor to touch base - a happy holidays greeting, letting them know he is still very excited about the TTP opportunity and attending in the fall. He could tell them he expects to finish with 2 A’s and 2 B’s and while not as strong as he hoped, he is learning how to navigate online college classes and their expectations better, and believes he will finish stronger in the spring for his USC application. But honestly, a couple A’s and a couple B’s aren’t reason to worry, but what would be great is to do even better GPA wise next semester. Growth is always great to show. Also, tell him not to be lazy on his application, which some TTPer’s fall into, thinking it is a shoe in. He still has to show the love and enthusiasm. That goes a long way helping a gpa that may be a tad off.

Also, just know that worrying about getting in as a TTP is awful until the acceptance letter is in hand. It feels like acceptance is expected - which of course it is to some degree as a TTP - but I think even more anxiety applies because of this. Tell him all he can do is his best - which he should do - then beyond that, it is out of his hands. Just have to ride it out. He should stay busy focusing on the task at hand, bringing up the gpa which is also good for him, not just for USC. Good luck to him! Fight on!

Thank you so much. He is planning on taking classes that play to more of his strengths next semester, and knows to avoid the mistakes he made this one, so there will be growth on his end.
We are all just more concerned about his happiness and well-being which is linked to that acceptance.
Thank you again and Fight on!

@sammyg579 I totally understand and empathize with the mental health issues that can be tied to a college rejection, particularly with younger siblings and particularly USC younger siblings - the TTP process can be brutal, and so can sites like this for those waiting on news. Seeing others get news ahead of you can be maddening and cause such anxiety. Acceptance is pretty much guaranteed, but it doesn’t feel that way till package/email is in your sights. I wish they gave a guaranteed admission for hitting a specific GPA, Cornell does this, that is way better. Best you can do is be positive but just know, some TTPs hear in late March/early April, others can hear as late as end of June. He should self report to his advisor his mid-term progress grade wise (especially if good), another reason to touch base with them and also validate he is excited to attend. A relationship with them can be really important.

When should we send USC our high school and college transcripts? And do we mail them or send them online?

For TTP applicants, they would already have your HS transcripts. College transcripts should be sent directly from the college, you should be able to order them online. (Same with high school if they have to be sent.) You can send in an unofficial if you print/pdf/scan them when time is an issue, but they will need the official sent from the school in either case.

Thank you! I’ll send my Fall semester transcript right now and I think I’ll just send my high school ones again just in case.

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To qualify as a legacy for TTP does anyone know if one qualifies as a legacy if their grandparent graduated but she’s only your grandparent by second marriage and not your blood relative? Is there any way they’d know the difference? Do you have an opportunity to list names of your legacy on application and they go off of that or how do they know? I know this is confusing --it is my grandpa’s second wife who is a legacy. Also if I do count as a legacy, what is the general GPA for being offered TTP for SCA? I will have roughly a 4.2/4.3 GPA.

I believe generally for the legacy TTP, it has to be your parents or siblings. Your stats still have to be high.

It’s my understanding that with the TTP, grades have to be “at least” that level. I know first hand of people with a GPA above that level that either did not get in or were accepted as a Spring admit. Clearly, things are a bit crazy right now, so I would consider it a rule of thumb, not an absolute. If there is something specific about remote learning that made it even more challenging, plan to include it as part of the essay or as a supplement.

Bumping this thread for the soon to be released results…everything still relevant in here.