Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

The words soon to be released still freaks me out haha I cant wait till this is all over, hopefully in the way I hope its gonna go.

Hi I am a TTP applicant and attending my first year at a four-year university. Before this year started I decided to switch majors. If I still have met all of the transfer criteria will changing my majors affect my admission? I still followed every guideline/recommendation from my TTP meeting and my new major is within the same college. Thanks

You should be fine as long as you meet the GPA; English/writing; and math requirements. Also try to fulfill as much as possible the USC GE requirements. Lastly, try to maintain a GPA higher than what the USC counselor told you or be above 3.7+, which is the average GPA for transfers.

@sdgirl22 Agree with above - since it is really just the core stuff you knock out, you should be good…is it big switch like english to engineering, meaning is it two different schools for USC? Or are both within the same school like Dornsife?

Even if you are brought into the major you originally applied for (which you likely will be), you just change majors once at USC, easy breezy.

Both majors are within Dornsife, so hopefully I’m good! Thank you!

@sdgirl22 Then absolutely no issue. Good luck!

This brings up an interesting question. A high school student applies to Viterbi as first choice major/school and Dornslife as a second choice major/school but is denied admission by USC yet offered TTP. The student accepts the TTP offer and reapplies as a TTP transfer student the following year to Marshall as a first choice, and Dornslife as a second choice. Does changing your first choice school/major impact the transfer decision or hinder their acceptance into Marshall?

Also, if you apply for Viterbi as a first choice and then Dornslife as a second major option and are granted TTP, how does one know which of the two majors you were considered for when they granted TTP? The student was clearly competitive for admissions since USC extended a TTP opportunity, but how does the student know which of the two schools they were competitive for?

You can assume TTP is looking at first choice major. Major change impacts it in regard to what you should be taking prior to USC. You are able to communicate with your AO and will definitely get things laid out in the meeting over the summer as there are big differences in core between Viterbi and Dornsife. I would not be changing majors to a dif school with dif core requirements after the meeting, but the AO will certainly advise on that if something the student is considering.

Thanks for the clarification. My DD was offered TTP last year as a non-legacy and is anxiously waiting her decision for admission.

Oh my good luck!!! Hope you hear early. I have seen TTPs get notified just a little after reg decision, but best not to share that with your D and make her anxious! They could do a lot of things in TTP better, as they do a lot of other things so well. I think it should be more of a guaranteed transfer process like Cornell has if certain criteria are met.


Thanks. Studying abroad during COVID is an adventure and took a lot of guts and faith. I’m extremely proud of her.

Her stats are very strong and she has met all of the TTP requirements, so hopefully her perseverance pays off and she is able to attend her dream school next year.

I’m curious which campus your DD chose and how she liked it? My D was offered TTP and is considering studying abroad in the fall. Good luck to her!

Hi! It seems like you know a lot about the TTP plan so I had a few questions. When do you think is the soonest TTPs will start hearing back? If I met all the requirements, is it possible to get a rejection? Is it likely for TTP to get a SGR if the writing course is being taken in the spring? I am at a 4 year on quarter system and I have gotten a high GPA fall & winter. I have no idea what to expect because I can’t find much info outside of these threads. Thanks so much!

She is in Paris and loves it despite the limitations created by COVID.

Happy to answer questions.

There is also a FB group comprised of TTP parents that is incredibly helpful.

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hi! is this the ttp message? it was included in my status update!

"___________, this decision was especially difficult for us given your ties to the Trojan Family. Your eventual enrollment at USC is of great interest to us, so I invite you to consider a Trojan Transfer planning meeting, which will assist you in gaining admission to USC as a transfer student within the next two or three semesters. We have set aside time during the month of June for you to meet with a member of our admission staff to learn how to maximize your chances of admission for a future term.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please visit your USC applicant portal in early May to schedule an appointment. I hope you will consider this option. In the meantime, please review the enclosed information for answers to common questions about our review process."

Mostly yes.

I can’t recall the exact language but one striking difference is the reference to 2 to 3 semesters. I believe that is a material departure from prior notifications. TTPers who meet USC requirements are generally admitted as rising sophomores in the fall.

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Yes, that two or three semester change stood out right away.

I would send your AO a little email and let them know you are still excited to attend USC and let them know about your grades and/or attach an unofficial report if available (maybe already uploaded),but could still attach and let them know you uploaded…keeping in touch can be good.

Some TTPs hear very early, as soon as a few days after regular decisions and well ahead of a lot of “regular” transfers, plenty without SGRs. If you had a good HS record and are following it up with fall and winter high marks they likely won’t ask for SGR. But in interest of full disclosure, we have seen some drag on even into the summer, but I always feel like there must be an issue that isn’t forthcoming in posts in those situations.

I want to link w other seniors who got TTP, add my insta @ tbyfnr :mask:


@LeftyRighty16 @CADREAMIN i found an article abt the program online and one of the students they mentioned had the same message as me