<p>So now that I'm starting to put together my application for a transfer, I come upon the question that asks if I have been found guilty of any violations on campus... Unfortunately, I have, it was a fight that I had with my roomate the first term I was there. It was a fist fight, we were caught and then reprimanded by being forcefully transferred out of the building then and put on academic probation. I'm wondering, should I try to throw some light onto the entire situation and give some perspective on what happened in writing? I mean, I'm not going to justify what happened because I know it was wrong but I don't feel that whatever my dean writes about it can ever help me in quest to transfer. Furthermore, can this make or break my application to any schools I transfer to? Thanks.</p>
<p>icedgreen, how comfortable are you talking with the Dean about this? Most (all?) transfer apps include a "Dean Report," as you probably know. I think you could ask the Dean what he would say in your report - would he say this was a one-time incident and no further trouble and you are in good standing, etc. etc.? Will you have good prof recs?</p>
<p>I think that the school would have this down as a one time incident cuz I've never had much trouble before (at least thru official channels). But I will ask my dean about this though I can't say that I'm ultra comfortable with him. Thanks jm. Does anyone else have a take on my dilemma?</p>