Trying to make schedule for aug bama bound (worried about moving-in/orientation/OOS college-life)

<p>aero mom is right…Cal III before DifEQ</p>

<p>xscreen…ahh…I see that they are suggesting that you take those frosh classes (engr 103 161) during spring semester. </p>

<p>That may be a newish thing. In past years, those were often taken first semester. Maybe since there are so many frosh engineering students now, they have split them up…some taking fall, some taking spring??</p>

<p>This discussion leads towards talking to an advisor so i must wait till BB thanks again </p>

<p>Ok…what are all the classes you are planning for fall. It is ok to go light as a fall frosh when you are coming in with AP/DE credits. </p>

<p>There is such an adjustment the first semester…living away, not having parents as back-ups (get out of bed and get your fanny to school now!) :wink: and just the distractions of having other 18 year olds living with you, staying up later, etc. </p>

<p>I found it much easier to keep up with studies and homework if I had some built-in spaces during my day schedule. Some kids try to run up all classes, back to back. That can be overwhelming for the brain, but also leave you mentally exhausted to do homework/study. If you can build in a couple hour break during your day, that will give you time to mentally refresh, eat, and read/homework.</p>

<p>You mentioned things like laundry…</p>

<p>In addition to your school schedule, try to come up with a schedule that will include laundry time (too many kids do laundry on Sunday afternoons so it can be hard to get machines). Some find that the machines are less busy on Saturday mornings. </p>

<p>And, if you will be living in a super suite, then you will have cleaning duties other than just your bed space/desk. Schedule some time for those duties (kitchen, shower, toilets, etc)</p>

<p>Calc 3, Chem (honors/not honors), ME121, EN103 thats 4+4+1+3=12… im going light maybe… take more spring semester… I dont wanna risk chem and physics given my background. If chem doesnt play out then its physics, if calc 3 doesnt play out then its elective, if me121 doesnt play out its engr103, if en103 doesnt play out its en102 or elective…</p>

<p>Fall semester kinda is more difficult for me since i have to go orientation so late… so, m2ck i saw in the other post you talked about catching the right buildings well, if I go orientation I’d only hope to ge t <em>something</em> rather than what I want.</p>



<p>It was Ann Webb as of Spring 2014, not sure if that’s changed for fall or not. </p>

<p>A Note about Emerging Scholars – DS met kids at OA last year who were not aware of the program and missed applying. He really wanted to do research. Dean Sharpe encouraged him to do research outside of the ES program. Based upon what son said, the kid had not issues finding a Professor/Mentor.</p>

<p>I know the Engineering department was to add a 1 credit course to teach the basis of how to research. My understand was that it is similar to the Emerging Scholars course but geared to Freshmen.</p>

<p>Separate, you can inquiry at the Honors College to help you find a mentor. Last year they had special meetings in the Fall for kids to attend and then the students did research in the Spring.</p>

<p>The only “perk” for ES vs. these other approaches is a very small stipend. </p>

<p>@xscreenname - DS had a suitemate last year that attended the August Bama Bound. He had one of the best schedules because as kids switched around the first week of class he kept checking openings. He got into a great UH Honors Freshmen seminar and an Honors section of a science class. I think you will be fine. You are flexible and have considered many classes. I would just advise to not buy books until a few days into the semester if you are buying from outside the Supe store (Supe will take returns).</p>

<p>Thanks Longhaul! </p>

<p>About the laundry: how many clothes are advised to be packed… I use t-shirts and basketball shorts as house clothes… or should my laundry just be enough to last two weeks/three weeks/ four weeks? </p>