Twilight- Have you read it? <3

<p>OMG, I freakin love this book. can't wait to watch the movie.
My favorite part was when Edward took Isabella to prom.</p>

<p>I tried and couldn’t get through half of it. Meyer went thesaurus-happy and there was barely any plot development at all.</p>

<p>I guess I was expecting too much in a young adult book =/.</p>

<p>Average love story + vampires</p>

<p>I thought it was cute enough :). I’m excited to see the movie though.</p>

<p>Horrible. Positively horrible.
But it’s not the worst book I’ve ever read. That prize goes to Ghost Girl by Tonya Hurley - which was torture in itself.</p>

<p>LOL @ the Twilight Quiz banner that just popped up on the left.</p>

<p>No, because teen fiction + romance is a combination that doesn’t bode well. That and vampires are hugely, hugely overdone.</p>


I know this is a super lame question, but can someone summarize the book for me? I’m supposed to take my cousin to see it (she’s 10) and I want to at least be aware of what I’m walking into.</p>


<p>Its about this girl who moves to Washington state, falls in love with a Vampire and **** happens. Thats pretty much it. Its going to be a movie focused on a strange teen love story mixed with a bit of weird action between like, fighting vapires. Hope that helps! :)</p>

<p>Oh and it’s all written in simple sentences on a 1st grader’s vocabulary + rightclicksynonyms.</p>

<p>Oh god thanks for crushing my dreams about the awesomeness of Washington state. If there are teenage vampires running around everywhere sleeping with high school girls, it can’t be that great…</p>

<p>HAHA omg you’re so right INVENIAMVIAM! Its like, learn to write. I think I read somewhere that the author was like “yeah, I’m a great story teller but a poor writer” or something weird to that affect.</p>

<p>omgsh everyone is in love with edward cullen…i must read this book to find out…who this guy is lol</p>

<p>worst book ever. the writing is bad, the plot is bad, the characters are bad. No redeeming quality</p>

<p>I don’t get why everyone likes Edward. He sounds abusive.
He made her go to prom with a broken leg, he takes out her car engine so she can’t see her friends, he holds her hostage… dude sounds like psychopath.</p>

<p>I still don’t get how girls are swooning over that. </p>

<p>If that were a real love story, we’d be seeing those two on a Lifetime Network Movie and she’d be crying about how Edward just lovingly slammed her head into a brick wall.</p>

<p>It’s really poorly written and contrived. However, I read the books because I had to know when Edward would finally stop being a prude. I still haven’t read the fourth, though, where that apparently happens. I’d read it, but it makes me feel like my brain cells are not-so-slowly dying.</p>

<p>I read it, but the writing is terrible. (However, I’m still a [mild] fan).</p>

<p>[shinga:</a> Twilight! 1](<a href=“]shinga:”>Twilight! 1: shinga — LiveJournal)</p>

<p>Great summary of the book. :P</p>

<p>Best summary EVER! I’m laughing really hard right now.</p>

<p>Mary Sue meets Gary Stu?</p>

<p>OMGGG YESS!!! LOVEEE ITT!---- but agree with mp written for the level of a 12 year old.</p>