
<p>Don’t you dare compare the crap that is Twilight with the masterpiece that is Harry Potter!</p>

<p><em>Whips out a wand</em>



<p>Haha yeah I knew you were messing around lol :D</p>

<p>omg Omg OMG TWILIGHT!!1!!!11!!</p>

<p>I like think it’s kind of like really popular because like this ttly represents true luv, like really realistically. And like every girl like wishes for something soooo deep. Edward is also like really super beautiful and perfect and I’m like ttly in do that. He sounds like the most amazin guy evaahh, because like ummmm he sparkuhles <em>dies</em></p>

<p>…i hope u know that you’re making a fool of yourself, LOL. ^</p>

<p>Uhh wowww. That wasn’t veryyy nice. At all. It’s just my opinion gawshhh.</p>

<p>Epic: [YouTube</a> - Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed – [original version]](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>



<p>Hey, you can’t compare Twilight to Harry Potter! Some of the Harry Potter books didn’t suck!</p>

<p>Agree ! Twilight SUCKS !!</p>

<p>Stella Nova, is your location based on the title of a fairy tale?</p>