U of Miami Vs. College of William and Mary

<p>S got accepted to both school, business major. Miami offered 50% tuition while we pay instate for W&M (obviously in VA). So cost wise UM'd cost around $8 grand more per year. We went to Miami this past Christmas and S (and we parents also ) likes the place but we didn't visit campus in Coral Gables. Now my questions which school would be a better choice in terms of both academically and social life? Anyone has the knowledge of advanatges/disadvantages of one school over the other (specifically the business programs)? Also is UM considered conservative as is in the case of UVA or is it quite liberal? FYI I also posted on W&M board. Thanks!</p>

<p><a href="http://www.careerjournal.com/reports/bschool/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.careerjournal.com/reports/bschool/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Miami's business school is a hidden gem. It has a great regional reputation and offers a quality private school education. It's overall school reputation is great as well, if S wants to go the MBA route. Being in Coral Gables, Miami will primarily recruit here and there will be great oppurtunities nearby.</p>

<p>US News rankings aren't the best to go by. I like Career Journal because they go by what's important, and that's the schools reputation in the area. If you go to State U, your national reputation won't matter, rather, how people in your state see you. Miami is 10th in that ranking at Career Journal.</p>

<p>I can't compare the two since I know nothing of W&M. I can say though that UM is not conservative. It leans heavily to the liberal side. And social life in Miami....well...things don't get much more social than Miami.</p>

<p>I do however encourage everyone to visit and make up their own minds. I think son has gotten a great education at UM, both in and out of the classroom. </p>

<p>If you need anymore UM info, please don't hesitate to ask. We've got a great group of UM parents here, as well as a bunch of students/soon-to-be students who are very informative!</p>

<p>Hi again TG (from WM board...)</p>

<p>Having kids at both of these schools, it seems to me the <em>political/social</em> climate feels very different at each. While you will find the whole range of 'types' at both schools, it seems that UM is more liberal leaning than WM; I cannot compare to UVa. </p>

<p>UM has a much larger international community, a more cosmopolitan feel, a beautiful campus with palm trees and is in a suburb of Miami - close enough to access the city/beaches, but removed enough to feel 'secure'. There is no doubt its a great place to spend 4 years.</p>

<p>WM has more the feel of a LAC: lots of history surrounding you, kids very active with intramural sports, clubs, volunteerism, and of course their studies (which are taken very seriously). It also is a wonderful campus with beautiful stately old buildings, and lots of 'stuff' within walking distance.</p>

<p>As I said on the other board, we are really pleased with both schools and the opportunites both kids have had. Don't have any experience with the business school though.
Good luck!</p>

<p>how could you even compare the two?!!! College of william and mary is ranked 31 in the nation, miami=55!!!</p>

<p><a href="http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/rankings/brief/natudoc/tier1/t1natudoc_brief.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/rankings/brief/natudoc/tier1/t1natudoc_brief.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Did your child get a business admission guarantee at W&M? I thought you had to apply to business again for junior admission.</p>

<p>i would rather go to um than w&m. i heard um is a much better business school since miami as a city offers alot of opportunties.</p>

<p>w&m is considred The public Ivy. although um is a good school....against w&m...as far as reputation goes...thats the way to go.</p>