U of Utah nursing

<p>It seems most of the schools posted about on this nursing forum are on the east coast, but has anyone heard anything about/attended the University of Utah? I got accepted to PSU, Pitt, and UDel on the east coast which I soooo want to go to, but I've decided to stay in Utah to continue pursuing an athletic dream of mine. It's also a 2+2 program so I'd have 2 years of prereqs first. I really think I never hear about it because I'm from PA and it's out west so we just don't talk about it.. Ultimately I want to move back to the east coast and I want to know if the U is reputable so I can move back and get a good job.</p>

<p>I don’t have any information on the undergraduate Nursing Program at Utah but their graduate Nursing Program is ranked #36 by USN&WR. Based upon this very high ranking I would presume an undergraduate BSN from Utah would be well received throughout the country for jobs and graduate degree applications. Good luck. </p>

<p>Oh, that’s a good point. Thanks.</p>