UA Admissions and Scholarship Questions

I am a high school senior in Tennessee who is strongly considering applying to the University of Alabama. However, I am left with some questions that I can’t find definitive answers to and figured I’d check here to see if anyone had some experience with this. Sorry about the length, I just want to make sure that what I am trying to ask is put out there clearly so I can get accurate answers.

  1. Is a writing sample required for the admission application, and if yes, where could I find the prompts?
    I looked on their site and couldn’t really find an answer, but when I looked on the internet it said that a writing sample was required from some freshmen and not others. Is this true? If so, how would I know I know if I needed to write something?
    I know almost nothing about this, so any help would be amazing.

  2. Is the ACT/SAT writing required for admission?
    I’ve taken the ACT twice, once in December as a sort of practice for the April one, which my school offered for free. Neither of these included the writing portion. I would definitely prefer to not have to sit through another test if it is not necessary, but I am running out of time to sign up for a test whose scores would count for admission.
    Based on their site, I don’t think that the writing portion is required, but I have gotten mixed responses, and would be greatly appreciative if someone knew for sure one way or the other.

  3. Is the Presidential Scholarship guaranteed?
    Both times I took the ACT I got a 34, and my gpa is high enough to qualify, but the wording that is used on UA’s site and some of the threads I’ve seen make it seem like having these scores only qualifies you for the scholarship, and then a portion of the applicants are then selected to receive the scholarship. Is this true, or does everyone who qualifies receive the scholarship?
    I believe that it is the latter, where if you qualify for it you receive it, but I just need clarification, as cost is a huge impact in this decision.

  4. Is the Presidential Scholarship a full-tuition scholarship or a monetary amount?
    On their website, it says that the recipients will “receive the value of tuition, or $107,800 over four years ($26,950 per year).” Does that mean that the full tuition is covered no matter what, or that tuition is covered to the limit of $107,800, and after that you’re on your own? I looked at the cost of OOS tuition and got a figure of $30,000 a year, which would put a four-year degree at $120, 000 and if the scholarship only covers up to a certain monetary amount I would like to prepare to cover the remaining cost. I do not know how accurate the tuition figure is, that was just what I found while searching.
    I would definitely like to think that the scholarship is full tuition, but based on the wording on their website I could see it being either possibility.

  5. What is the Engineering Scholarship and how do I know if I qualify?
    On some threads I’ve heard a mention of an engineering scholarship, and the major I am pursuing is computer engineering. I haven’t really been able to find any solid information about this. I might just be missing something on their website, or maybe it’s been terminated, but if anyone could provide a description or a link, that would be extremely helpful.

  6. Is there anything I should know before applying?
    This is a more general question, but are there any more significant (or insignificant, anything helps with OOS cost) scholarships I should look into, or just advice about the application process/timeline that I might need to know about before I start to apply.

Thanks in advance for your help, it is so greatly appreciated.

I’m not sure about all the scholarship information but I do know that there is not an essay.

Not an expert, but I think… (also lots of these answers are )

  1. There's an essay or short answer for Honors programs apps but not for the general app
  2. writing not required on sat/act
  3. yes guaranteed, if you meet the criteria and meet the application deadline
  4. currently full-tuition (hence the "receive the full value of tuition")
  5. engineering scholarships are here
  1. There is NO essay at all that is required for admissions.

2)They just changed it for this coming year that you do not need the writing portion on the ACT, so the is no need for you to take the test again!

3)The Presidential Scholarship is GUARANTEED, if you have the right stats (which you said you did so you have no problem there :slight_smile: ).

4)The Presidential Scholarship is full tuition, not a monetary amount. That means that is the cost of tuition increases (which is likely) your scholarship increases as well so that for the four years you are there, you do not have to pay tuition.

  1. The Engineering Scholarship is an extra $2,500 per year that you can use for anything, from books to room and board. You do qualify for it if you qualify for the Presidential Scholarship. Just make sure you put engineering as your major on the application.

6)All I have to say is that the application takes 10-15 minutes top because they accept based on stats, you don’t even need letters of recommendation. Just be sure that after you apply and have gotten your mybama account (can take up to 48 hours), you complete the scholarship application that you find on your mybama account. That also only takes about 10 minutes, but in order to get the automatic scholarship you have to fill it out. If you are certain about Alabama, put down your housing deposit right away so that you can get the dorm you want. Alabama is a great school, and if you can come out with zero or almost no debt it is a double bonus! Alabama has many great opportunities and I have nothing but good things to say about the university.

Good luck, I hope this helps, and Roll Tide!

OP: Please explain how you have ‘gotten mixed responses’ on Question #2:
Yes, the website is very clear: + here are quotes from that page:
"The optional writing section in the redesigned SAT will not be required for admissions or scholarship purposes.
“The writing section of the ACT will no longer be required for admissions or scholarship purposes.”

Re #4, I disagree with some language and how it can be interpreted. The Presidential Scholarship IS a monetary amount you will receive, up to the current value of full tuition (which does increase if/when tuition increases in subsequent years). It is not strictly a tuition-only scholarship. The Presidential funds can be used for things other than tuition. SO, if you receive additional, outside TUITION scholarships, part of the Presidential Scholarship can be used for anything posted to your student account (dorm, meal plans, fees, football tix, etc.). UA will apply the PS $$$ first (take it off your bill/account balance first), and anything that is leftover will be refunded to you. Ditto on the $2500 Engineering-only scholarship: it will post to your student account automatically (if you qualify for it), and it can be refunded to you if it exceeds the balance on your account. UA chooses this language to allow students who receive other, additional TUITION scholarships are not punished in any way financially. The PS does not diminish because of your receipt of additional scholarships. (This is nice: because some schools DO diminish their own tuition scholarships if students receive additional tuition scholarships from outside sources.) Note that if you receive scholarship funds over legally allowable educational expenses (which are, usually, tuition, fees, and books), you may owe taxes on that overage. Early each year, students will receive a tax form, outlining all of this.

^ also, FEES are not covered by the Presidential Scholarship. In that regard, it is “tuition-only”. Fees can be anywhere from $30 to over $120 per class. In 4 years of undergrad, my son paid a total of $2680.50 in fees, or an average of $335 per semester. Your fees could differ of course.

^ re #6, please do consider applying for additional scholarships, as a high-stat student. “Mine your heritage” and by that I mean try to find scholarships which are uniquely relevant to you and your family: your ‘heritage’! - search for these by completing a thorough profile on a reputable site (i.e., use a scholarship search engine such as Niche, Fastweb, Cappex) and apply to those scholarships which match you best. Forget about the ‘lottery’ sweepstakes scholarships, which are designed purely to gather your personal information and sell it onwards. Spend some time (and it can take substantial amounts of time) identifying those awards which you have a high likelihood of winning, preferably with a low # of applicants, combined with a high degree of relevance to you, your studies, your heritage, and your interests. Most scholarships worth applying for will, understandably, take a great deal of time (writing essays and gathering letters of recommendation). I have written much about this on CC over the years. Use the search function (magnifying glass next to the page numbers on UA’s main page) to find out more threads and posts on this subject. OP you will be able to PM me once the minimum required # of posts has been reached. Don’t forget that scholarships continue well beyond your FR year, so keep re-identifying and re-applying. Many, many, many scholarships are only for college students, once they reach their sophomore (and beyond) years, so keep applying. Good luck, @Stressedrn!