UA Presidential Scholarship Qualification - Writing Test Clarification

<p>New to this board and I would like to thank all who have already provided me with a wealth of info on UA! My story is much like others on this board. I live in the Atlanta suburbs and up until two weeks ago when we had our fall break, my senior DS had pretty much decided on Ga Tech as his #1 choice (even though he had never visited any schools yet). After a week of visits including UGA, Auburn, GT, and UA he had fallen in love with UA (for all of the reasons on this board) and is now his #1 choice. He appears to qualify for the Presidential (4.35 GPA and 32 ACT) but here is my specific question. He only took the writing section on his SAT, not on his ACT. He scored 1320 (reading/math) on his SAT (so we would need the ACT to qualify for the Presidential). I called the scholarship office at UA and a young lady answered and I asked her if the writing portion had to be on the same ACT test (I know they don’t count the score on the writing) or does just having a score on file from the SAT satisfy this requirement? She did not seem sure and said she thinks it had to be on the same ACT score. I asked her if she could verify that since it is critical info I need to have. BTW, the previous day at Auburn, we were told that they only needed to have a writing section submitted from any test. She put me on hold and then came back and simply said my son would be fine as is (ACT score to qualify) and one writing score in file from a previous SAT. Although this was the answer I was hoping for, she didn’t leave me with a lot of confidence that this was 100% accurate. Can anyone on this board please verify that he is good to go? Thanks so much in advance!</p>

<p>The highest ACT composite score from one test date, excluding the writing portion, is reviewed for initial eligibility. I copied this from their FAQ section on the scholarship page.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply, but I am still not sure it answers my initial question. I know they don’t count the writing score, however it is still a requirement. I want to be 100% sure that the writing submission from the SAT will suffice even though he will be using the ACT scores for qualification.</p>

<p>As long as your student has taken the writing section, it doesn’t matter whether it is on the test qualifying for the scholarship. You’re good to go! Congratulations! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I have quite literally the exact same question. Just out of pure ignorance of it, we signed my daughter up for the ACT without writing. Quite unexpectedly based on her SAT scores, she got a 33, which puts Alabama very much in play. However, we came across this same requirement when reviewing the details at Alabama, and have the same concern.</p>

<p>I also want someone to expressly tell me that they will accept the ACT composite without writing for the Presidential scholarship, as long as she also submits her SAT (with writing) to satisfy the writing requirement for admission.</p>

<p>As long as she submits a qualifying score for the scholarship AND a writing score from either the SAT or ACT, she is fine. The UA does not require the writing section to be from the same sitting as the qualifying score.</p>

<p>Music to my ears! Definitely the answer I was hoping for. BTW, since we are Georgia residents, he would have qualified for full paid tuition at UGA and GT. Both great schools. Also qualifies for full tuition at Temple. So again, like many others, the decision is being made based on factors beyond financial considerations. HC rolled out the red carpet, Dr. Morgan from the STEM MBA program personally met with him, great investments in engineering, beautiful campus, great honors dorms, school spirit, I can go on and on (and no, I am not a UA alum!). Bottom line like many others have already mentioned, UA made my son feel like they wanted HIM and made an effort to demonstrate that. While the other schools are high quality, none showed the personal interest that UA did. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I had a similar but not quite the same question - my D’s highest ACT score was not the one with writing, although she had taken an ACT with writing where she got a 31. So it was all one type of test, though different sittings. The answer I got back was that for scholarships, they look at the highest score in one sitting, and the writing requirement is for the Admissions department and the scholarship folks don’t care about it. If it was me, I’d shoot Scholarships an e-mail so you have your answer in writing. </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The Writing is required for admittance - and looks like it can be from either SAT or ACT.
The ACT of 32+ is required for the full tuition scholarship and does not mention writing as a requirement to receive the scholarship.</p>

<p>Good luck & Roll Tide!</p>

<p>My son had the same situation as the OP. He did not qualify for Presidential with his SAT score, but did with his non-writing ACT score. He applied, was accepted, and given the Presidential scholarship w/ engineering bonus. This was within the past month, so it is their current policy.</p>

<p>He also applied to UAHuntsville and was given the highest merit based on his non-writing ACT score.</p>

<p>Yes, just to update, my son did receive his Presidential offer letter as well as his engineering bonus offer last week so we are good to go! </p>