UA Admissions Class 2025

Thank you. I joined the parents FB group and received a ton of replies that were very helpful.

Anyone hear
today about Merit Scholarships yet?

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i have not heard anything yet. Have you?

no…i thought they said feb 1

My D just received her initial competitive scholarship offer. For those waiting, check your emails and best of luck to everyone

My daughter did too!


Did they come in the portal or email? I’ll have my daughter check.

She received an email.

Her personal email or her UA email account?

Both. Personal and UA email accounts

Despite my D21 grades and test scores somehow she did not receive a Competitive Scholarship Award…makes no sense. As an OOS student, UA cant offer her a better overall deal than a number of other schools unless she was getting the Competitive award. Since UA was not in her top 3 schools, she committed to her top choice. No loss…good luck everyone.

We haven’t seen anything here, still. @ab4924, did you (or anyone else, really) receive notice there would NOT be a competitive scholarship offer? I know there is a third round, and trying to hold out hope form a little more than merit (decent ACT, but not reflective of her performance).
Thanks in advance!

I have a lot of experience with Alabama since I have a son who is an alumni. Those who have submitted without SAT or ACT scores but high GPA students may be sadly disappointed. Up until this year with COVID merit was easy to calculate based on GPA and College scores. I am hearing stories on another college web site of students with 3.8 GPA’s not getting a dime of competitive scholarship money. There must be so many out there applying with similar GPA’s that many are being left out. Even 4.0 GPA’s may be getting at the most 6K per year merit. They are obviously only considering core subject when making decisions but if you have a 3.5 or 3.6 GPA I wouldn’t be counting on merit from the competitive scholarship area.

She/We were not willing to wait til sometime in March when committing to her first choice earlier can impact housing. Once this didn’t come thru and mind you her stats definitely merit a competitive offer, she moved on. As it turns out UA likely would not have been her choice but left it open for financial reasons had a larger offer been made.

She has a 4.0 UW GPA, 4.33 Weighted and a 30 ACT. Whatever…moved on and she’s happy

Are you saying you submitted test scores? If you did you should have received very competitive money from the matrix. I was under the assumption that the competitive scholarship application was only for those who either were unable to take a test or were unwilling to submit.

she has an Auto 24K scholarship…you HAVE to send the test scores if these are her actual stats. They will accept them until March I think

My son has 4.5 weighted 4.0 unweighted GPA… From CA, no test scores. No notice of any scholarship

They did have test scores . Her auto Merit was $24k, our understanding was the competitive scholarship could and should have boosted that to $28k. At $24k UA cost was still more than other schools she had higher on her list except her top choice which is about $2k higher. Her position was if it’s much lower than she would consider it but since it wasn’t and after settling in her major which UA can’t offer it was a done deal. Like I

Competitive scholarships are only for those who could not or chose not to submit test scores. My daughter received an $8,000 scholarship notification yesterday. She was unable to take the SAT due to COVID and multiple cancellations. For reference for those who are still waiting to hear - there is another round that will be released 3/1, her stats:
OOS - very competitive HS
3.96UW/4.26W 5 APs, many honors.