UA Admissions Class 2025

I thought the same thing. I did not think at all competitive scholarships added on to those non-competitive scholarships. I though it was strictly for non test score applicants. This is the only year they have ever offered competitive scholarships and it was due to Covid-19.

Maybe I’m wrong.

“Any student that receives an automatic merit scholarship that is later selected for a competitive academic scholarship of higher value will be upgraded to the UA Competitive Academic Scholarship and its value.” I do not see anywhere that states it will be added on, I see it will be upgraded to higher value.

“Any student that receives an automatic merit scholarship that is later selected for a competitive academic scholarship of higher value will be upgraded to the UA Competitive Academic Scholarship and its value.” I do not see anywhere that states it will be added on, I see it will be upgraded to higher value. Whatever.

Thanks, @Tigergrad94, for the info on the amount and the stats. Would you mind sharing if your daughter is in state or out of state? There are 2 places on the out of state for 8K and 1 on the in state, but a 3.96(or 4.26) core gpa would make this a tier 3 out of state offer. If it’s in-state, then I obviously don’t know how to read the matrix they posted at all, because the only 8K on there is tier one, but for a gpa 3.5-3.69,

@Dudewith2 -Out of state which makes the $8k not so great.

ab4924, we had sort of an similar, but opposite, situation last year regarding GPA and Test scores at Bama and another Big Merit U. At Bama last year, the top tier of tuition (26K) went to those with high GPA and 31+ ACT (from what I remember). At another U, the highest Scholarship went to 4.0 and 32 ACT. My kid had one B – so a 3.97; and we missed out on that top tier at the Big Merit U. We called it the “$20-thousand-dollar-B”. My guess is that Bama looked at her ACT even though it’s not on their charts that way this year. Schools have the right to value what they want, even though we didnt exactly agree. I will say, it sounds like she has a great option. I hope she loves where she lands.

Thanks again for sharing. Based on D21’s stats, looks like we’ll be keeping our existing merit, and shouldn’t expect the competitive scholarship to exceed it.

We visited in November after being accepted and it was fabulous. We put down the deposits before we check out of the hotel to save the spot for picking housing. She is now “officially” committed. Very happy that we put in the deposits when we did.

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join the parents FB group? it’s amazing. Just saying . . . so many offers to help kids who need help in all sort of areas. Got tears in my eyes today over some generosity!

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I’m so confused as to the merit. Mine applied and was accepted back in November. Went test optional. didn’t know we had to fill out a separate scholarship application. Did that in December. Still haven’t received anything on merit.

Hey! Can you tell me the name of the FB group? My boy was admitted and we are in GA, would love to have any insider help or info, thx! :pray:t2::kissing_heart:

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Usma90 The FB group is The University of Alabama Parents


We are still hoping to here from Competitive Scholarships. DD has a 4.0 UW GPA and a 4.62 WGPA and a 35ACT. 9 AP classes not including this years and this year’s dual enrollment. We have not heard anything but automatic merit.

We just received my son’s scholarship an it is minimal compared to other colleges he applied to and UA was definitely the least prestigious. He did apply last minute, and does not intend on going there however I find it interesting that they seem to be out of the loop with competitive high scoring kids.

When you say last minute what does that mean? I’m also curious what you mean by less prestigious, what other schools are you comparing it to?

When did you apply? My daughter has pretty much the same numbers and received a letter regarding the Presidential Scholarship a week or so after being accepted back in December.

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Our experience with Alabama would be that they absolutely go after the high stats kids. Between the Presidential Scholarship and Engineering Scholarship, my daughter will pretty much have free tuition. A very generous offer for a solid if not ‘highly ranked/prestigious’ university.


Does anyone know if the OOS Presidential scholarship has gone down?

I applied to Bama back in August and submitted the competitive scholarships app (I didn’t yet have an SAT score). I got a 1420 so got an email saying I had the OOS 28k presidential scholarship. However, after competitive scholarships were released, my MyBama portal is now saying that my scholarship is $26k. Any thoughts?

No. It’s $14,000 per semester for 8 semesters.


Just curious, does Alabama sent out acceptance packets in the mail after the acceptance email? My son was accepted in Feb and received scholarship info, but has never received a packet in the mail.