UA BamaBound Reg is UP!

<p>Since it includes testing, materials and meals, that is very reasonable.</p>

<p>Thanks for this very helpful thread; we just registered our son for the 5/31-6/1 session. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Just registered for the May 29-30 session. My parents have decided to stay at a hotel but I’ll be in one of the dorms. Couldn’t be more excited. RTR</p>

<p>Are we able to register siblings later if they decide to come? In my case, it’s actually my niece. We’d like to wait to get her ACT scores before showing her the campus.</p>

<p>I just registered D2 for the 5/31-6/1 session. Yay! She cant wait. D1 will be road tripping with us to check out younger sis’s college choice. Both are very excited. My question is, why do they charge parents and guests? D2 was clicking through pages so fast I only saw that they charged a fee for me and a somewhat lesser charge for D1 to be there. We declined housing as we will be staying at a hotel. Any ideas?</p>

<p>spring: As a parent at BB you get to go to several lectures, info sessions, and some meals. That would account for the cost. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Does anyone have any information on shuttles for unaccompanied students?</p>

<p>In the past, unaccompanied students have either drove themselves to/from Bama Bound or taken a private airport shuttle to/from campus.</p>

<p>Also wondering about what time things are over on the second day. Am considering flying from into an alternate airport and driving a few hours to save $.</p>

<p>Looks like it wraps up around Noon on 2nd day – here is tentative agendas – [Tentative</a> Schedules for Bama Bound 2012 - Bama Bound Orientation - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Tentative”></p>

<p>Thanks, I need to rephrase my question better - given the published schedule, can anyone indicate if we leave right after the official activities are over, will we miss anything unofficial but important? I’d hate to have to rush my S out for a plane if there is usually something else going on or if he’d have an opportunity to meet more kids or get involved in some way.</p>

<p>You should be fine leaving once registration is finished, which may be before noon. I easily made a 5:30 PM flight out of Birmingham after Bama Bound and still had time to do some souvenir shopping. If the alternate airport you are referring to is Atlanta and you would be taking the latest nonstop flight out of there, you should be fine.</p>

<p>If you are leaving out of ATL, remember to consider the time difference between Tuscaloosa and ATL when planning your flight.</p>

<p>You can help your child with registration (and getting done faster) if you register his classes for him the second morning of BB. Around 9 am the hold is lifted and by logging into MyBama you can register the desired classes. Doing this helps get classes and helps get things done more quickly on that second day.</p>

<p>Am actually thinking of flying into Nashville (SW $69 fares). Thanks so much for all the tips and info about signing up for the classes on the second morning.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids: what do you mean that we can shorten the time on Day 2 of BB by registering our son’s classes for him? I thought that students meet w/ an advisor (alone - NOT with parent) to do this themselves? (We will need to leave campus ~ noon on day 2 to catch flights, so I’m interested in anything that will make this process go w/out stress.)</p>

<p>Please elaborate on both what you mean by your comments…and perhaps give some more details on what the actual process is for registering for classes. Any tips/help/comments are welcome! Thanks!</p>

<p>Students do meet with an advisor to register for classes, but nothing is preventing them from having a list of classes they want to take and the CRNs (specific course section numbers that make registration a lot quicker) and showing that to the advisor, who then clears them for registration. Make sure to have a list that includes alternate choices should certain courses not be available. Course registration is done online after the student has been advised. While students are directed to a computer lab to register for courses, nothing is preventing them from going onto their smartphones and registering for classes using the CRNs. For future semesters, this is a great way to register for courses as soon the registration window opens up since one doesn’t need to be near a laptop/desktop.</p>

<p>Students are welcome to change their course selection throughout the summer without having an advisor approve the changes.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids: what do you mean that we can shorten the time on Day 2 of BB by registering our son’s classes for him? I thought that students meet w/ an advisor (alone - NOT with parent) to do this themselves? (We will need to leave campus ~ noon on day 2 to catch flights, so I’m interested in anything that will make this process go w/out stress.)</p>


<p>Students do meet with advisors without parents present…but that doesn’t affect who can register.</p>

<p>Registering is done thru MyBama…anyone can do it if they have access to the mybama acct. I’ve registered for my kids lots of times (like when they had early reg times or it was during a class). I registered S2’s BB schedule at 9am on Day 2…and I wasn’t anywhere near him.</p>

<p>On Day 2, at around 9-10am the reg holds are lifted…at that point, anyone with logon access to a student’s acct can register for classes. As long as you have a laptop or whatever with you, you can log on and register for the desired classes.</p>

<p>And, YES, a student needs to go to Bama Bound with a proposed schedule in hand (with a few course and time options…Plan A, Plan B, etc). </p>

<p>Each BB has about 400 kids attending…and they’re all registering at the same time…you don’t want to be figuring out a schedule “from scratch” otherwise classes will fill up while you’re trying to figure out what to take. </p>

<p>This isn’t a big deal. There really isn’t a big mystery as to what to sign up for. If you’ve chosen a major (especially within engineering), the courses are often sequenced, so little choice is made. </p>

<p>If you already will have Cal I credits, then it’s up to you to decide whether you want to retake or move on to Cal II. If you have Frosh Comp credits, then pick out an Honors class for fun. If you are using AP Chem credits, then you might have space for some other interest (math?, stats?, a foreign language?)… If you have History or other humanities AP credits…you may have room for a minor of choice.</p>

<p>The rest of the schedule will be Frosh Engineering Program courses and any frosh courses for your eng’g area of discipline.</p>

<p>Eng’g majors have the fewest choices to make…they have fewer Core Req’ts and many of those choices aren’t really choices because certain Core Req’t are satisfied by required courses…like Calculus, Gen Chem, Physics, etc</p>

<p>When will classes be available to view to start the process of making up a schedule?</p>

<p>The Fall 2012 schedule of classes is on mybama, so you can already design a tentative schedule. Make sure you have several options, just in case you do not get your choice. Also, make sure you schedule a lunch break – some students forget that they need to eat. </p>

<p>Current students will register for their classes after spring break.</p>