UA Dorms

<p>Thanks Pop, he is still awaiting decisions from CA colleges and other FA packages so he wants to leave his options open. He looked but couldn’t find any info on if it is refundable but for $150 it is worth losing to get guaranteed housing, if he goes I am sure he will be wanting to party…oops live… in the dorms!</p>


<p>See this link:
[ResLife:</a> Apply for Housing](<a href=“]ResLife:”></p>

<p>Second bullet under “In order to apply for housing”</p>

<p>SockherMom, my son is in the same boat. Still waiting for few other schools, but UA is one of his choices, so we did the $150 just so he would have housing. Good luck to you guys!</p>

<p>hi. i’m applying for housing and i have no idea which ones to pick.
i want a fun dorm with nice people and a good social/night life. i’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews about Coronado and Arizona Sonora. i don’t want a boring hall but people have said that there tends to be puke everywhere?
help me please? thank you!</p>

<p>If you Google UA dorms, there’s a couple reviews and forums on the dorms. Some reviews may be dated and the “reputations” of the halls may have changed since (?). I’m all for our S having fun in college as well as balancing it with academics … that’s primarily what I’m paying for. One thing to consider about “party” dorms … if there are damages to the premises, and it can’t be determined which individuals are responsible, the entire hall (or wing/floor) will share in the repair expenses … college is expensive enough as it is.</p>

<p>These were suggested to us by an current U of A student so we went for it:</p>

<p>In order - Colonia de la Paz, Villa de Puente, Posada San Pedro, Publeo de la Cienega & Sonora</p>

<p>One of those was an honor dorm so it would not let him choose it… lol!!</p>

<p>The stories about puke everywhere, etc are really overblown. My son is going to be in Coronado next year, and I’m not at all worried. He likes to party but he also needs his sleep, trust me. He’ll shut his door and go to bed when he’s tired. There are plenty of ways to party in college, the dorm is just one of them. He liked the idea of Coronado because its a big dorm, so there’ll be lots of people to meet. We went and looked at the campus a few weeks ago, and the smaller dorms were reallllllly quiet - so it just depends on what you’re looking for. In any case, you need to get your housing deposit in asap if you haven’t, because housing is NOT plentiful and lots of freshmen end up living off campus because they put in their deposits too late.</p>

<p>VDP or La Cienega as far as like new and clean…but for friends/social setting…AZ/SO, Coronado. If you live in azso or coronado, be prepared to see some interesting things…</p>

<p>I’m writing from my son’s cc account. We need help figuring out what dorm to request.</p>

<p>He has his own e-commerce business and decided on UA because it’s in the top 3 entrepreneurial schools in the country. We’re from a rural area in the Midwest and he’ll be a parochial school grad who likes to party (a little too much probably!) but takes studying fairly seriously as well. He’s captain of his soccer team and pretty much a “B” student. We know absolutely no one who will be attending UA, so any suggestions you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>David7334 – He sounds like a Gila kid. Social but studious, probably best in a smaller dorm. That one fills up pretty fast, though. For next few choices I’d go with Villa del Puente [if you don’t mind paying a little extra], Yuma [if honors], or maybe Coconino [a little bit more partier-style, but with plenty of studious students].</p>

<p>Thanks, AtomicCafe. We appreciate your help!</p>

<p>I’m a bit stunned by some posts from parents. If you’re freely admitting that your kid “likes to party” and only studies “fairly seriously”, then prepare to have a boomerang on your hands in 2 or 3 years. We have over a 50% dropout rate and only 25% actually get a 4-year degree in 4 years; college is not like high school where you can coast through and get a B.</p>

<p>I’m not saying you should lock yourself in the library and do nothing but study, but you need to keep your priorities straight.</p>

<p>UAKid, my parents are aware that I go out with my friends on many weekends. I think that’s pretty typical for most high school seniors. I still study during the week, take several APs, have some college credits already, stay involved in a lot of ECs (soccer team captain, science club prez, yearbook editor, etc) plus I own and operate my own business. </p>

<p>UA is known for it’s social atmosphere. I chose it for its entrepreneurial program. My parents know that I’ll balance my social and study time just fine. They did, and they both obtained their undergrad degrees in 3 years.</p>

<p>i got assigned to hopi lodge and i’m wondering if i should try for reassignment?</p>

<p>Lauradoyle – I’ve never lived in Hopi, but I live across the street from it and still have yet to see it burn down or hear anything awful coming from it. :slight_smile: Most of the people I’ve met who live there are pretty quiet, so I imagine it’s a quiet environment. They host a lot of things with another dorm, like Halloween parties and Quidditch matches (yup, not kidding about that one). Sounds like a quiet dorm with a lot of ResLife-sponsored events.</p>



<p>As someone who lived in Coronado, a lot of the stories are a bit exaggerated. It’s a fun place to live, and not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. (I don’t have a statistic to back it up, but from living there, I’d wager it had the highest Greek population of any dorms)</p>

<p>I’m confirmed in the pre-business wing of La Paz for the fall of 2010. I had a chance to fly out there from Illinois and look at the dorm last week. It’s nice! If you plan to study business, you might want to put in an application because there are a few places left, as I understand it.</p>

<p>Which dorm would be best for me? I’m pretty studious and I would like one of the more quiet dorms (but nice/new if possible), and I’m not so keen on the whole Quidditch thing…thats…interesting. Not so much into the whole party scene. Any advice?</p>

A nice, fun and quiet dorm would be Gila. Its quiet at all hours for the most part, but there are movie nights, and residents are always coming over to visit, even if they don’t know you. I’m surprised no one mentioned Gila. I went to Coronado freshman year. Ick. The stories are true. I was always at my RA’s room complaining. Gila is super nice though if one likes to study and chill out with friends.</p>

<p>Now now, which dorm has the hottest girls? =p</p>